Micro card


Love's the Craic
Location: Offaly
Age: 66
Posts: 267
Registered: 04 / 2012

Micro card

Posted: 21.04.2012  ·  #1
Firstly.....let me say it's great to have a site with fellow Irish campers......long may it last.
Here's my question........I have a micro card with European mapping which I bought years ago for a garmin which had only GB / IRL mapping. I upgraded to a 265 w which had all Europe........bye bye micro card. Can I now use this to download current euro mapping AND ...add campsites and French aires and place it in my 265w. I know this is bit longwinded but as I'm not into computers it is a little complicated for me . Any suggestions and ideas accepted with thanks. Safe motoring to all :up:


Re: Micro card

Posted: 21.04.2012  ·  #2
Hi Biffo

It is possible to purchase your euro map updates from Garmin by visiting THIS LINK

Download Garmin POI loader which is available HERE

A good guide to using POI loader can be found HERE

The ASCI european campsites are available to download for Garmin by visiting THIS SITE. It is a little difficult to navigate this site but you should select the last option on the list with the green Camping card logo beside it. Select download POI's. Save them to a folder and unzip the file. Connect your garmin to the computer with your cable.
Select the relevant folder to add your POI's.

French Aires POI's can be found online but it might be best to try the ASCI file first.

Love's the Craic
Location: Offaly
Age: 66
Posts: 267
Registered: 04 / 2012

Micro card

Posted: 21.04.2012  ·  #3
Thanks......will try that and let you know how I got on .........i see you are from Down........have spent some nice days / nights in Tollymore forest park. You are very lucky to have this on your doorstep :up:

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