Camping guide books

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Camping guide books

Posted: 26.07.2015  ·  #1
We've just had an Unannounced inspection from Acsi. Initially I was a little annoyed at their timing, arrival at 12 noon on a Saturday. During our clean up process. That said they stayed for 22 hours, inspected everything, tested most things and spoke to many others on the site asking their opinions. I have no idea what will appear in the guide, I hope it is positive!!!! But I did think well it was thorough and should be accurate.
This got me thinking about the two other guide books that "inspected" us, one took 10 minutes, the other a bit longer. This got me thinking about a certain club guide that we used in Spain and France this year which was sometimes useful but many times the write up was very inaccurate.
Of course probably the best guide is personal experience followed by word of mouth from someone with similar interests,

Love's the Craic
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Re: Camping guide books

Posted: 26.07.2015  ·  #2
Always helps when a recommendation comes from someone with similar perspectives. Guides and the like can be 12 months or more out of date and things can change, sometimes dramatically. I tend to find forums are a far better medium for here and now answers from your peers.

It is good though that some guide writers are hands on and take time.

Love's the Craic
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Re: Camping guide books

Posted: 26.07.2015  ·  #3
I used the ACSI guide book this year in France and Spain and found each and every campsite to be a true reflection of the book - would certainly recommend then to anyone.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Camping guide books

Posted: 26.07.2015  ·  #4
Yes, that us one of the things I was trying to say ACSI should be accurate based on their thoroughness. I'd use their guides over some of the others I've used in the past.

Some of the review sites are good as they tend to be unbiased and reflect what others have experienced.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Camping guide books

Posted: 27.02.2016  ·  #5
Two years ago we were in campsite, think on Lough Ree and ACSI inspectors came over to ask us about the campsite and joined us for afternoon. We said we were ACSI members though no badge on our Motorhome. They had different books, physically twice the size but not only the ACSI CC sites but all the others and Aires, free places etc, but text in Dutch. They let us buy the two copies for €25, we reckoned we could understand enough from symbols and using our own books for that year, except we had to postpone going to France that Oct
Do you notice how the numbers for each campsite changes every year, though the index uses the campsite name.
We got our 2016 CC books at Christmas and paid €19 in advance as too late to cancel when we sold MH in Oct.we received another set two weeks ago which was €4 less and request to pay within next 14 days,,we contacted them and posted back extra copies.

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