Generator use on Aire?

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Generator use on Aire?

Posted: 17.07.2015  ·  #1
8-) Just wondering what members think about using a generator, Honda, on an aire? The gentlemen using same informed his neighbour that he would be using it for a short period - No issue of course but what would Joe Public think??
In Cobh there is plenty of walkers passing approx 2 meters from the front of our units - Is this bad press?

By the way the aire in Cobh is excellent - Seventeen units at 6pm. Great credit is due to all the hard working team that are looking out for us all.

Happy camping.

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Re: Generator use on Aire?

Posted: 17.07.2015  ·  #2
Surely the main consideration would be the noise level. There are "silent" generators, whist not at all silent would not have an output of to many decibels. As for people walking past, thats what they'r doing, walking past. They would probably have a mild curiosity off the vans, but hardly worry to much about a generator. On the other hand, it would be plain inconsiderate to run a noisy one and bang out of order after ten pm. I wonder if there are no EHU's on this aire.

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Re: Generator use on Aire?

Posted: 17.07.2015  ·  #3
I don't own a generator myself and think they should be used as last resort.

Having said that I believe a lot in "live and let live" so if someone whips out their generator I am not looking to take offence.

I think there are a few variables. Honda generators seem to be a bit quieter than some of the el chaeapo ones and are therefore less intrusive.
Secondly in the busy season some aries get very crowded and therefore MH's are parked very close to each other. Finding yourself only a few feet away from someone's generator is really annoying. If the same generator was thirty or forty yards away it wouldn't be as bad. Lastly they should be used for as little time as possible and only when necessary. Turning it on to watch Coronation St on the TV doesn't constitute an emergency :(

Like most things in life there are some people out there with Gennys and they are considerate and responsible but I have come across a tiny minority who fit the description of a**h*le

I think the public would not be impressed if they were staying there....example I have seen people use them in the carpark of beaches where there were lots of non motor homing public around. I thought that was out of order

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Generator use on Aire?

Posted: 18.07.2015  ·  #4
MI do not recommend the installation of EHU's at MH parking areas. Such services encourage 'long stay' clients who can upset locals and local authorities and also cause a lack of space for genuine tourers.
In Europe parking on Aires is usually officially restricted to 48 hours or maybe 72 on rare occasions.

Any way, MH's are supposed to be self sufficient and should not need EHU and only a Genny if its leisure batteries are knackered or perhaps a medical device requires power in excess of what the batteries can provide.

FWIW decent batteries, good charging from the engine and a bit of solar should cover all normal requirements, otherwise book into a camp site. :D

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Re: Generator use on Aire?

Posted: 18.07.2015  ·  #5
Surely on an Aire, a generator is a form of camping? which is not allowed, just curious :)

I see no reason to own a generator these days, why does anyone need that much power. If it is due to health problems, well that is a different story.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Generator use on Aire?

Posted: 18.07.2015  ·  #6
usually you find they have driven 50 miles to the aire then immediately put genny on
there batts could not be discharged at all

it is simple things like this which creates issues etc on aires and i totally agree that ehu should not be installed on aires as it encourages long stay

i know a few people with medical equipment which needs recharged and they all have a silent type genny which is only on for an hour until the item is charged again.

as a previous poster said, there are those who discreetly use their genny when needs must but there are also others who nearly always use one as it cost so much and they openly boast about its capabilities.
if your battery goes down, drive round the area to see a view etc then on your return full power again

as ally says, no need in this day and age with decent batterry technology, solar, led lights etc, to need a genny, plus you are carrying extra weight.

Location: Dublin
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Great mines think alike...

Posted: 18.07.2015  ·  #7
:up: Nice to see replies and more importantly I agree with all.
The chap using the generator must have had battery issues as he had to put it on again and it was running when we left Cobh. The good news was that he was a considerate motorhomer and did not leave it running long yesterday.

Thanks to all.

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