Stop over

near crawfordsburn

Location: Craigavon
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Stop over

Posted: 28.03.2015  ·  #1
Can anyone tell me if there is some where to park near crawfordsburn inn

the fat controller
Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Stop over

Posted: 28.03.2015  ·  #2
While not an official stop for Motorhomes there is a car park both at the old inn and across the road, if you have a look at Google maps you might see it.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Stop over

Posted: 29.03.2015  ·  #3
Quote by the fat controller

While not an official stop for Motorhomes there is a car park both at the old inn and across the road, if you have a look at Google maps you might see it.

The car park at the inn has been revamped and I don't think it is now suitable for a mh.
The parking opp. used to belong to the country club and was fenced off the last time I was there.
All round crawfordsburn is double yellow lines and wardens are psychos in area.
If you are wanting to overnight Helens Bay car park is ok about mile and half walk or bangor and get a taxi. If you want a couple of safe places in bangor I can suggest a few

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