Anyone using a Windows phone


Anyone using a Windows phone

Posted: 16.12.2014  ·  #1
I have recently bought a new laptop with windows 8.1 and I am quite impressed.

Is anyone using a windows phone linked with their PC?

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Re: Anyone using a Windows phone

Posted: 16.12.2014  ·  #2
Nah Mark, sorry I'm an Apple man. I pity those who are not but they will eventually learn.


Re: Anyone using a Windows phone

Posted: 16.12.2014  ·  #3
crApple as it is know in our house is fast becoming a pain in the ass.
We do have many crApple devices (too many) due to the demands of our daughters in the past.

They provide updates to OS which are too large for the device unless you are willing to remove content while it installs. you can then put your content back on again if you like.

If a battery in an crApple phone becomes poor I must get someone else to change it.
If I don't have enough storage in my crApple phone I must buy a larger capacity phone rather than slot in a bigger storage card.

While I must admit they are easy to use (almost simplistic) I will most likely be moving away from the brand next time

This is why I asked the question about windows phones. I know android devices work well and have plenty of app choice but was looking for anyone who used a windows phone to see what they thought. I will not be changing for a while due to still boing in a contract....

Dan and Bob
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Re: Anyone using a Windows phone

Posted: 16.12.2014  ·  #4
Mark I have a windows phone and find it very easy to use, probably still on catch up with other systems but getting there I find my wife's android a nightmare to use.Unfortunately my computer is windows 7 and haven`t tried to link


Re: Anyone using a Windows phone

Posted: 16.12.2014  ·  #5
Cheers Dan.

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Re: Anyone using a Windows phone

Posted: 16.12.2014  ·  #6

As I said on the phone, my brother in law has a windows phone, I was very impressed with it but not enough to change from Android, although I only played with it briefly, if there was a choice of the main ones it would still be:

1. Android
2. Windows
3. Anything else but Apple

I have no experience of the windows phone and how it links or syncs to a Windows PC but if I were to advise caution it would be to check out what you are getting in the ways of linking and syncing as Android has it pretty much covered already. Any Android phone can link to a windows PC, the PC can even be remotely accessed and controlled via the Android device.


Re: Anyone using a Windows phone

Posted: 16.12.2014  ·  #7
Thanks Ally.
Good to know the sync will work well with android.

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