One of the lads suggested that the video may have been played reverse.
i.e. vandamme started off by climbing up on the trucks and getting himself set up into one of his iconic leg split poses. Probably with the help of several members of the production team. Then the trucks drove forward very slowly to get him into an upright position.
Overhead safety harness digitally removed in post production.
Its creating a stir here with my engineering colleagues, All coming up with plausible ways to create the stunt... lol
Either way, its one of the more creative adverts I've seen in a while.
mad max
Eat's Sleep's craic
Gender: Location: Co Galway Age: 99 Posts: 5550 Registered: 04 / 2013 My Motorhome: Base Vehicle:
That's fake, his hat would have been squashed if those people will stood on it.
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