Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) October 2013

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Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) October 2013

Posted: 24.10.2013  ·  #1

SOLAR FLARE! Earth-facing sunspot AR1877 erupted on Oct. 24th at 00:30 UT (Oct. 23rd at 5:30 pm PDT), producing an M9-class solar flare. A flash of extreme UV radiation from the flare ionized Earth's upper atmosphere and created a brief HF radio blackout on the sunlit side of the planet. Stay tuned for updates about this significant event.

SOLAR TSUNAMI AND RADIO BURST: Sunspot AR1875 erupted on Oct. 22nd (21:20 UT), producing an impulsive M4-class solar flare and a loud burst of shortwave radio static

Weather depending there might be good chance of a display in the North of the UK this weekend.

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