We wish to purchase wifi booster antenna

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We wish to purchase wifi booster antenna

Posted: 06.08.2013  ·  #1
We are travelling to France and Spain in Sept, staying mainly in aires. While travelling we wish to keep contact with family in Australia. However our problem is we are both technophobes! we know through posts that the Motorhome Craic shop sells antenna.
We have a laptop and phone. Any advice on what to buy and how to set it up would be much appreciated.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: We wish to purchase wifi booster antenna

Posted: 06.08.2013  ·  #2
Ben/Ber - private Ally he has the equipment you need and will fix you up.


Re: We wish to purchase wifi booster antenna

Posted: 06.08.2013  ·  #3
I would say the same.

Give Ally a shout by PM.

I have the rocket arial and the wifi repeater. both work very well.
The repeater is a little confusing at first but great once you see how it works.

It doesnt matter where you stay. Aires or sites, you still need access to a network. If you are picking up free wifi it is much easier to use than if you have a paid for password to enter.

We used ours across france in June and found it great.. It all came from Ally..

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Re: We wish to purchase wifi booster antenna

Posted: 07.08.2013  ·  #4
Quote by Ben/Ber

We are travelling to France and Spain in Sept, staying mainly in aires. While travelling we wish to keep contact with family in Australia. However our problem is we are both technophobes! we know through posts that the Motorhome Craic shop sells antenna.
We have a laptop and phone. Any advice on what to buy and how to set it up would be much appreciated.

Hi, your laptop can just use the aerial as it has a USB connection, to use your phone you will also need a repeater which makes it more expensive. Would an internet connection on your laptop not suffice?

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Re: We wish to purchase wifi booster antenna

Posted: 07.08.2013  ·  #5
Hello Ally,
Thanks for you prompt reply to my query.
Ideally we would like to use phone as well as Whatsapp is downloaded in it.
Will you PM cost of necessary items please. As we are located in Co.Limerick will it be possible for us to get system up and running before Sept. 7th?

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Re: We wish to purchase wifi booster antenna

Posted: 07.08.2013  ·  #6
Under the terms of goodwill to all Motorhomers in motorhome craic, I will be passing through limerick between 23rd and 26th of August and if I can assist with delivery am willing to do so.

Location: Muckamore, Antrim
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Re: We wish to purchase wifi booster antenna

Posted: 07.08.2013  ·  #7
Quote by Ben/Ber

Hello Ally,
Thanks for you prompt reply to my query.
Ideally we would like to use phone as well as Whatsapp is downloaded in it.
Will you PM cost of necessary items please. As we are located in Co.Limerick will it be possible for us to get system up and running before Sept. 7th?

I'll be in touch tomorrow, Thursday with prices etc.

Paul: that might work well and would save on the extortionate price to post stuff South.

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Re: We wish to purchase wifi booster antenna

Posted: 08.08.2013  ·  #8
Thanks Ally.

Paul, Your kind offer is much appreciated.

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Re: We wish to purchase wifi booster antenna

Posted: 12.10.2013  ·  #9
Hi Ally
I have just returned from france and I didnt need anything xtra other than my laptop and the code available from the site . the codes are usually free by the way and me and the wife both used our laptops no problem I put it like this if a site in a town doesnt offer you free wifi then they know that you will move to a site that does in the same town I may add . I didnt need anything extra to recieve or transmit and i am a fanatic on gadgets or so the wife tells me


Re: We wish to purchase wifi booster antenna

Posted: 13.10.2013  ·  #10
Richie. The booster aerial is generally used by people not on sites where wifi is provided.
The signal is improved which helps if the distance is hundred of meters.

Free wifi on campsites is usually strong enough on its own.

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Re: We wish to purchase wifi booster antenna

Posted: 13.10.2013  ·  #11
We used ours sitting in the van parked outside mc donalds, all over France :up:

the fat controller
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Re: We wish to purchase wifi booster antenna

Posted: 13.10.2013  ·  #12
That's one way to stay thin :lol: stay out of the establishment so you don't be tempted to a Big Mac and a mc flurry

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: We wish to purchase wifi booster antenna

Posted: 13.10.2013  ·  #13
It's not always that strong on some sites in France. I had to use the booster last year to get it at the van to the disgust of those around me. They had to go to the reception area.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: We wish to purchase wifi booster antenna

Posted: 14.10.2013  ·  #14
I used Allys aerial and found it great it boosted signals from good to excellent even fair to excellent

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