Parking in Kinsale Co.Cork

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Location: Co.Waterford
Age: 65
Posts: 18
Registered: 07 / 2013

Parking in Kinsale Co.Cork

Posted: 28.07.2013  ·  #1
Hi All, was passing through Kinsale yesterday coming from Ballinspittle and heading for Cork. As I was leaving the town centre heading for Cork there was a turn off slight right towards The Spaniard Pub and parking on the right hand side. They had some rather large spaces that were perfect for a campervan. I was wondering have any of you parked here over night? Also out near Charles Fort there are spaces here which would be ideal for an overnight especially as The Bulman Pub is just down the road. Was considering Kinsale for a weekend but the only site is in Garretstown House which is about 5 miles from town and as I like my few pints...............didn't fancy the walk or the expense :bandit: of the taxi!

BAZ 25
Love's the Craic
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One of my Favourites Spots

Posted: 28.07.2013  ·  #2
Hi Yes stay there all the time on numerous occasions throughout the Year never any problem's also the car park beside toilets go in late and come out early ,but would rather stay on the road down towards The Spaniard Pub at the start on left beside grass picnic area or on the right before the bend is a bit more level its usually where I start my Hols off highly recommend it thanks Barry Also have seen MOTORHOMES at Charles Fort Car park stay also but have never stayed myself like my first pref better .

Gender: n/a
Location: Co.Waterford
Age: 65
Posts: 18
Registered: 07 / 2013

Re: Parking in Kinsale Co.Cork

Posted: 29.07.2013  ·  #3
Quote by BAZ 25

Hi Yes stay there all the time on numerous occasions throughout the Year never any problem's also the car park beside toilets go in late and come out early ,but would rather stay on the road down towards The Spaniard Pub at the start on left beside grass picnic area or on the right before the bend is a bit more level its usually where I start my Hols off highly recommend it thanks Barry Also have seen MOTORHOMES at Charles Fort Car park stay also but have never stayed myself like my first pref better .

Hi Barry,Thats good to know. Thanks, Ger

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