1. craic
50 up, 60 down
Craic, Having fun, having a good time, the latest info on whats happening in your social circle. Saying whats the craic? is similar to saying whats up? The word craic seems to stem from Northern Ireland slang. But has branched out due to being picked up by tourists who have exported the term.
In a scenario where one was out at a nightclub and had a good time when queried on how good persay your night was you might reply it was great craic. You might then reply any craic last night yourself. Not to be confused with the habit of indulging in cocaine use although some people find this term funny to confuse people who are unaware of what having some craic means.
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craic no craic whats the craic any craic having craic mighty craic
by Youngen May 26, 2006 add a video
2. Craic
54 up, 43 down
Crack or craic is "fun, enjoyment, abandonment, or lighthearted mischief; often in the context of drinking or music".
This sense of the word crack is found in Irish English, Scottish English, and Geordie as well as Mackem in North East England.
In Ireland the spelling craic is now more common than crack. This spelling is also found in Scotland.
An older, related, more widespread, sense of crack is "joke", as in crack a joke or wise-crack.
Another sense of crack, found in Scottish English, is "news, gossip", which influences the common Irish expression "What's the crack?" or "How's the crack?", meaning "how are you?", "how have you been?", or "have you any news?"
The context involving 'news' and 'gossip' originated in English and Scots and came to Ireland through Ulster dialects of English and/or Scots, where the sense of 'fun' developed.
Early Irish citations from the Irish Independent relate to rural Ulster: from 1950, There was much good "crack"... in the edition of "Country Magazine" which covered Northern Ireland; or from 1955, the Duke pulled the bolt on the door of the piggery, and let Coogan's old sow out...The Duke had been sitting on top of Kelly's gate watching the crack.
It can frequently be found in the work of twentieth century Ulster writers such as Brian Friel (1980): You never saw such crack in your life, boys and Jennifer Johnston (1977): I'm sorry if I muscled in on Saturday. Did I spoil your crack?
In Newcastle upon Tyne there...
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craic crack fake used_by_morons theme pub
by Warren_Street Jul 22, 2008 add a video
3. Craic
1479 up, 328 down
Irish word for fun/enjoyment that has been brought into the English language. usu. when mixed with alcohol and/or music.
'Bhi craic agus ceol againn' : We had fun and music.
Fun doesn't really cut it though. General banter, good times had by all.
Also, a person who is good fun/great company.
It was great craic.
She's great craic when she gets going.
He's great craic when he has a few pints on him.
What's the craic?
How's the craic?
The craic was mighty.
Note: Very tricky to get away with saying this in the US without getting strange looks for police officers.
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by Scandal Jun 28, 2004 add a video
4. pint
12 up, 26 down
Guinness stout. A pint of anything else is just pisswater, not deserving to be drunk by a righteous mik.
"A pint of plain is yer only man." --Flann O'Brien
"Ah, dincha miss some mighty craic the night before last--yer man Donoghue, didn't he keep the pints flyin' till they were standin' five deep on the table!"
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beer irish mick eejit session seisiun craic guinness stout paddy literate drink sober irishman
by Bouzoukibabe Mar 19, 2008 add a video
5. Bon Grasson
4 thumbs up
French version of the Irish saying "Good Craic" which means to have a jolly good time.
Pierre: This nightclub smells of garlic. Luc: Ahh bon grasson!
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good craic jolly good time fun times mighty entertaining joyous occasion
by akaRed Jan 23, 2009 add a video
6. gaddying
Irish Country expression for having the craic, having fun, acting like a mad person
There was some mighty gaddying going on last night
Eat's Sleep's craic
Gender: Location: Co Antrim Age: 76 Posts: 6955 Registered: 01 / 2012 My Motorhome: Adria Vision Base Vehicle: Renault
Folks, don't worry I'll have a word with one. Whether it does any good or not I don't know but we will have to wait and see. Could it be that Carlesberg is the problem?
the fat controller
Eat's Sleep's craic
Gender: Location: Moira, Craigavon Age: 60 Homepage:fincaangelacat.com Posts: 9482 Registered: 04 / 2012 My Motorhome: Benimar Tessoro 481 Base Vehicle: Ford Transit
Just found a Cream Egg Cornetto ice cream thing in the freezer! wow its nice.
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