Rumour Control

Location: Muckamore, Antrim
Age: 55
Posts: 32651
Registered: 08 / 2011
My Motorhome: Lunar Roadstar 780
Base Vehicle: Fiat 2.8 JTD

Rumour Control

Posted: 09.04.2013  ·  #1
Just to advise and dispel a rumour I have heard :)

Admin or Moderators cannot read your private messages, if anyone would like to query this fact then please visit the software developers, link on the bottom of the page. I am sure they will be more than happy to advise you of the truth.

I have personally quoted two private messages in the past publicly, the reason behind that was because I was sent a copy of them by the receiving party and was given permission to post them.

Thank you :)

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