Electric Step in Bessacarr E450 2012

Step not going in when locking van with remote control?

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Electric Step in Bessacarr E450 2012

Posted: 02.04.2013  ·  #1
Hi everyone,

The step on my motorhome comes out when unlocking the door with the remote control. It then goes in when starting the engine. When I use the remote control to lock it, it doesn't go in.

The supply unit in the motorhome is a Sargent EC450 and within the settings it is showing a number of options which I was hoping someone could explain to me as the manual is not showing much information:

Step Auto Unlock
Step Auto Both
Step Auto Lock
Step Auto Time

Does anyone know which of the above settings insures that the step will go in automatically with the remote control? 🇧🇭

Thanks for your help in advance-as complicated as this all sounds!! 🇧🇭


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Re: Electric Step in Bessacarr E450 2012

Posted: 14.04.2013  ·  #2
I had a Swift Sundance "same stable as Bessacar" in a few months back with the similar problem with the step,that turned out to be a faulty step control unit. :up:

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Re: Electric Step in Bessacarr E450 2012

Posted: 15.04.2013  ·  #3
I also had trouble with the step on a Bessacar E435 It was a saga back to dealer on about 4 or 5 times. New step fitted fault kept returning ie step would stick in or out or halfway. Eventually after contacting swift the fault was rectified by replacing the complete consumer unit, after this the functions of the step needed to be reprogrammed and Swift gave instructions how to access a hidden menu and set the step to your own requirement.
To achieve this I had to push the dealer to contact Swift as the MH was under warranty .

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