Paradise for Motorhomes

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Eat's Sleep's craic
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Age: 53
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Registered: 09 / 2020
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Paradise for Motorhomes

Posted: 28.12.2024  ·  #1
Germany was great in July and August this year and this is partly why, along the Moselle there’s a village called oberbillig (super cheap) ,on the way there you can pass through drogen(drugs) for some entertainment if that’s your thing,,the local drink is kuhbier ( cow beer) ,and they want you to travel free - there’s a town called bad tolz. But if this is all too much the town of kotzen (vomiting),,altenheim(retirement home ) awaits, then the enevitable, todesfelde (death field)sure thats everything you’ll need , but avoid muckenloch( mosquito hole),and sommerloch( summer hole) ,

Liked by: Ally, PaulH, TommyS

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