ATMB toll tag replacement

Eat's Sleep's craic
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ATMB toll tag replacement

Posted: 27.05.2024  ·  #1
A friend reminded me that I probably needed to change my ATMB toll tag. I received an email today to confirm it’s on its way. I think I’ve had my for 7 or 8 years. Here are the instructions.

The badges have an estimated lifespan of between 5 and 7 years. Changing your badge helps prevent failure due to wear.
We therefore invite you to exchange your badge with our teams.

- online:

- You can also request a replacement for your badge through your Subscriber Area, by choosing “defective badge”. A new badge will be sent to your home with a pre-stamped envelope to return the old one to us.

We thank you for your confidence


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Eat's Sleep's craic
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ATMB toll tag replacement

Posted: 27.05.2024  ·  #2
Thanks Mark. I'll look into that myself as I got my one in February 2017 👍

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Re: ATMB toll tag replacement

Posted: 27.05.2024  ·  #3
Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: ATMB toll tag replacement

Posted: 08.06.2024  ·  #4
Bip & Go only good if you have a euro account. When I closed my euro account & transferred Bip & Go to my sterling account, it didn't work. They can't collect payment from sterling accounts. I had to change to Emovis which actually use Bip & Go, but you have to pay for a separate tag for France & Spain/Portugal. They don't do Italy at the moment.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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ATMB toll tag replacement

Posted: 08.06.2024  ·  #5
I got my new replacement ATMB tag in last Mondays post. Very neat turnaround. 👍

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Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: ATMB toll tag replacement

Posted: 25.06.2024  ·  #6
Bit of info in from ATMB today,mighthelp anyone planning to go that way.
Summer holidays through the Mont Blanc Tunnel:
Better prepare your journey and limit your wait during the busiest weeks of the year
Summer holidays are the busiest times of year at the Mont Blanc Tunnel. In 2023, up to 9,400 vehicles passed through the tunnel on certain days in July and August. This summer traffic is twice as high as the usual average traffic of around 5,000 vehicles/day.
The first significant flows of holidaymakers are expected on Friday June 28, from 11 a.m., towards Italy.
This influx of tourist vehicles can generate significant waiting times, given the regulation of traffic at each entrance to the Tunnel. This timing ensures that the number of vehicles inside the tunnel at the same time always remains limited, according to safety regulations.
In order to limit waiting, tools are made available to drivers. They allow you to know the traffic situation in real time and prepare your trip using traffic forecasts. They identify “red” or “black” hours several weeks in advance in order to avoid them.

Find out the waiting time at the Mont Blanc Tunnel in real time

To find out the waiting time at the Mont Blanc Tunnel in real time, various supports are available to you:
The TMB Mobility application: allows you to monitor traffic in real time from your smartphone:
The webcams allow you to view the traffic situation at the tolls on the French and Italian sides:
The sites and provide traffic status and updated waiting times directly on the home page.

Know hour-by-hour traffic forecasts several weeks in advance

The site dedicates a complete page on this subject to help drivers anticipate their trip:…ont-blanc/ .
The forecasts given hour by hour, every day and in both directions of traffic allow you to better plan your trip and bring it forward or postpone it by a few hours in order to reduce waiting times.

Eat's Sleep's craic
Location: Co Wicklow
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Re: ATMB toll tag replacement

Posted: 10.09.2024  ·  #7
Latest newsletter from ATMB may be of interest to anyone thinging of heading in that direction.
15 weeks chrono” at the Mont Blanc Tunnel
Since 5 p.m. on September 2, the tunnel has closed its doors for a period of fifteen weeks.
This total closure to traffic is necessary since all the safety equipment is being removed in order to renovate 600 metres of the vault.
This period, chosen in collaboration with the French and Italian authorities, minimises the impact on tourism and the local economy.
The work is taking place 24/7.

Sharing construction sites during the closure of the Mont Blanc Tunnel
To cause as little disruption to drivers as possible , ATMB teams are carrying out other safety work on the RN205 while the tunnel is closed.

On the 4 km of RN205 located between the Vigie crossroads and the French entrance, ATMB is renovating three bridges at the same time. This work will therefore be transparent for tunnel customers.

Also on the RN205, between La Vigie and Les Bossons, ATMB is renovating 4 km of road surface .

This planning significantly reduces the inconvenience to drivers.

Can you just imagine trying to make that happen over here,🤔 doing more than one job at a time.
There would be votes of no confidence in every council in the country. 😊

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