Algae killer

Love's the Craic
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Age: 77
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Registered: 05 / 2022

Algae killer

Posted: 25.02.2024  ·  #1
Was wondering if anyone had ever used a dilute solution of algar killer - like Boss Devil - or would even a more dilute solution than reccommended for pathways etc still be too strong ?

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Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Algae killer

Posted: 26.02.2024  ·  #2
Interesting question. Amanda saw a hack about wetting our concrete drive then covering the surface in BIO washing POWDER leaving it for 8 hours and wetting again then use a yard brush to scrub in. Then leave til the following days and hose off.

In fairness it was a cheap (€8) and easy way to clean off the green that forms over the winter.

I did wonder about doing similar to the roof of my van but I came to the conclusion that it may do a good job on the roof I might be left with streaks down the sides and front and back. So I didn’t try it.

Great for the yard too risky for the van.

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Love's the Craic
Gender: n/a
Age: 77
Posts: 208
Registered: 05 / 2022

Re: Algae killer

Posted: 28.02.2024  ·  #3
Got an answer from the Boss Devil people. Dilute to 1 part to 7 water and it'll be safe.

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