miles /klm.s

merlin man
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miles /klm.s

Posted: 13.02.2013  ·  #1
Hi. I have always wondered why the D.R.D Roads in Northern Ireland measure our roads in kilometers
but all the road signs are in Miles and our speedometers are m.p.h.!
When they propose a new Road scheme the length is always stated in kilometers!
I don,t think they measure the roads in England ,Scotland or Wales in Kilometers.

Or do they!

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the fat controller
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Re: miles /klm.s

Posted: 13.02.2013  ·  #2
Its one of those EU things which the UK has to do/not do depending what way the wind blows. They must adopt the metric system thats why you buy milk in litres and butter in grams, but everyone still asks for a pint of milk and a pund of butter. It falls in with not adopting the Euro as well. If you check our speedometers they have both mph and kph which meets EU regs.

Does this make sense or am I rambling on again!

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Re: miles /klm.s

Posted: 13.02.2013  ·  #3
Or your vehicle if its manufactured after a certain date the speedometer must display your speed in Miles and Kilometers per hour are else you fail your MOT . Speaking from experience on this as my bike failed its MOT because it didnt display both.

merlin man
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Re: miles /klm.s

Posted: 13.02.2013  ·  #4
Hi, Yes that is true ,my old motor home had a KLM,s clock only, it had to be changed to a dual reading clock to pass the M.O.T.
But why do the D.R.D. Roads measure our roads in Northern Ireland in klm,s instead of MILES distance?

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