No Parking

stupid or what.

Eat's Sleep's craic
Location: Co Wicklow
Age: 93
Posts: 7799
Registered: 01 / 2015
My Motorhome: Matilda 2 Pilote 703FP Explorateur
Base Vehicle: 3ltr 318 Sprinter Automatic

No Parking

Posted: 10.11.2023  ·  #1
In recent times two properties on the Marine road Greystones have put No Motorhome Parking Signs at their front boundary.As opposite to ( NIMBY ) It's ( NIFOMP ). A real case of ( YOU PEOPLE ) are lowering the tone, or it could be, spoiling my View. but in reality they are ridiculing themselves, since they don't even cut their own overgrown hedges.



Liked by: Ally, Bexley two

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