Headlights (dipped Beam) not working

mad max
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Headlights (dipped Beam) not working

Posted: 30.07.2023  ·  #1
2006 ducato headlights dipped beam not working,

Fog lights work
Headlights work
Side lights work

All fuses good but no 12v going to the bulb when tested with miltimeter across the 2 pins (H7 bulb)

Any body come across this before?

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Headlights (dipped Beam) not working

Posted: 30.07.2023  ·  #2
If it's both left and right and the fuze is ok perhaps the problem is back at the stalk.

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mad max
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Re: Headlights (dipped Beam) not working

Posted: 30.07.2023  ·  #3
Thanks for that Colin,

The rear foglights are turning on which makes me think that the stalk is working as if stalk wasnt sending signal the foglight woulsnt work, or am i reading this wrong?

To add to the original post I noticed that the temperature gauge went straight to half way (usually it sits a about the width of the needle below half way) when engine was cold,
a quick google search suggested to unplug the plugs at rear of the clocks for a few seconds and plug back in,
That did the trick for the temp gauge

Cleaned all earth straps and fuse blades still no difference

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Re: Headlights (dipped Beam) not working

Posted: 31.07.2023  ·  #4
How does the resistance to earth compare to say the high beam bulb?

Is there 12v power at the fuse? I’d assume the fuse is before the stalk. Is there a connector after the stalk where you could measure also?

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Headlights (dipped Beam) not working

Posted: 31.07.2023  ·  #5
Not a 100% sure, but I believe the high/low beam is switched via a crossover relay (5 pin 85/86 energise & 30/87/87a switching), if so then it is possible that this relay is not switching between hi/low.

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mad max
Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Headlights (dipped Beam) not working

Posted: 31.07.2023  ·  #6
@galdar I dont know how to measure resistance but from goooogling it seems the earth is switched if that makes any sense,

The relay that is listed is 4 pin, i have ran a temp earth to pin85 which put the headlighs on when earthed, thats when i pulled back as that is confusing me

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