The underlying issue is that councils provide designated appropriately located bus/coach parking aeas, uploading areas, taxi parking areas, HGV parking areas, motorcycle parking areas but no motorhome parking areas. In the absence of designated parking our only option, which we are legally entitled to avail of, is to use general car parking areas.
I do feel for the car users and a line of five motorhomes taking up probably 40m of parallel parking does not look good. However, the ire of the offended should be directed at the council for not providing appropriately located parking for motorhome users.
However in this instance (which is my point of the post) and given no alternative I think it's the wrong way to do things.
Agree totally Ally. But you know that if the council were to put in a parking area for motorhomes it would be somewhere without any views & probably 5 - 10 minutes walk from the area they really want to be at, which is why those motorhome user's are there..
We are blessed to have our dedicated spot in Portstewart.
I do not agree with groups like this ‘taking over’ parking spots, quite obviously planned (thank you bakebook) and causing consternation among the locals.
It’s not good for the image of motorhoming and the perceived attitude towards us at times.
They/we should know better.
If they were not there, the spaces would be full of cars and have been 7 vehicles instead of 5, only be 2 more parking space available, that aside, the sensible thing would be to leave a car space between each van, but they are obviously mé féiners, total Gobshits.
15 yrs ago when I lived in Coleraine my local taxi driver used to moan to me about having to be on portstewart promenade for 7.00am to collect a guy who dropped off his van so that him and his missus could return after lunch via car so they could sit in the van and people watch whilst reading the Sunday papers but the above takes it to another level!
You have to bear in mind that if they are taxed, insured, mot’d etc they have as much right to park there as any other car
Still think if the council provided adequate parking then it wouldn’t be an issue. One place that springs to mind is the car park up above the harbour, very few cars park up there so why not open it up to Motorhomes
You have to bear in mind that if they are taxed, insured, mot’d etc they have as much right to park there as any other car
Still think if the council provided adequate parking then it wouldn’t be an issue. One place that springs to mind is the car park up above the harbour, very few cars park up there so why not open it up to Motorhomes
That would be a very sensible idea John but first of all that council would have to remove the barrier put there by them to stop that car park being used by motorhomes.
The car park above the harbour is usually very busy with cars parked up on the grass on a busy evening. I think if you drive something that big you can’t expect to have very convenient parking to the town like a car can fit in. A 5-10 min walk from the likes of the Aire in Carlingford would be very acceptable.
Reminds me, I was in Chester recently and parked the car in a very large car park 10 mins walk from the city centre. Lots of Motorhomes welcome and making full use of it but not many towns or cities would have a car park that big. It was as big as one of the big park and rides outside Belfast but a very short walk Ito town.
Can't remember the 3 digit number for the envelope box at Portstewart school ?
You’ll find all you need in the members section of these forums Billy, best to always check there before visiting too in case there is a school event on and prevents us using it.
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