Titre test for pets

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Titre test for pets

Posted: 04.04.2023  ·  #1
I have put this post here although it was started in the thread across the water. I’m not sure if there could be a topic for pets???

Anyway for our trip over the winter we need to get a titre test for our dog when traveling out of the eu and into the eu between Greece, Albania or Serbia and Croatia.

Well we had the test done a month ago, it involves blood being sent to an EU approved lab, there’s none in Ireland so it went to Germany. Results back a month and a bit later, cost €200.

Separate matter anyone want a second hand dog?

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Titre test for pets

Posted: 04.04.2023  ·  #2
Separate matter anyone want a second hand dog?


Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Titre test for pets

Posted: 04.04.2023  ·  #3
Quote by StrandCampingDoonbeg

Separate matter anyone want a second hand dog?

I somehow think Amanda would lay into whoever with the soft side of a shovel shaft who’d try and avail of that offer ! 😂

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Titre test for pets

Posted: 04.04.2023  ·  #4
Quote by StrandCampingDoonbeg

I have put this post here although it was started in the thread across the water. I’m not sure if there could be a topic for pets???

Anyway for our trip over the winter we need to get a titre test for our dog when traveling out of the eu and into the eu between Greece, Albania or Serbia and Croatia.

Well we had the test done a month ago, it involves blood being sent to an EU approved lab, there’s none in Ireland so it went to Germany. Results back a month and a bit later, cost €200.

Separate matter anyone want a second hand dog?

Is the test a once off Jamie?… or does it have to be repeated? If so, what timeframe?

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Titre test for pets

Posted: 04.04.2023  ·  #5
Quote by StrandCampingDoonbeg

I have put this post here although it was started in the thread across the water. I’m not sure if there could be a topic for pets???

Separate matter anyone want a second hand dog?

Jami, if you run this by Amanda,I would be willing in the interest of not upsetting Her or the dog , I will come down to Clare and look after the dog for you, while your on your Jollies, I would also, in the interest of your dog, not getting lonely, arrange for other Dogo motorhome travelers to come visit at weekends and an odd day during the week, I'm sure I can find somewhere for them to Park their Motor, I mean place their Kennel around the site , behind the Hedge's, I would of course not need the use of your house, I have my Motorhome although I can sometimes be a bit heavy on the electricity especially at weekends and mid week as I suspect it can be quite cold in Doonbeg, but you may not know this since you mostly abandon the place over the winter. O-) 8-)

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Titre test for pets

Posted: 04.04.2023  ·  #6
Quote by sprinter

Quote by StrandCampingDoonbeg

I have put this post here although it was started in the thread across the water. I’m not sure if there could be a topic for pets???

Separate matter anyone want a second hand dog?

Jami, if you run this by Amanda,I would be willing in the interest of not upsetting Her or the dog , I will come down to Clare and look after the dog for you, while your on your Jollies, I would also, in the interest of your dog, not getting lonely, arrange for other Dogo motorhome travelers to come visit at weekends and an odd day during the week, I'm sure I can find somewhere for them to Park their Motor, I mean place their Kennel around the site , behind the Hedge's, I would of course not need the use of your house, I have my Motorhome although I can sometimes be a bit heavy on the electricity especially at weekends and mid week as I suspect it can be quite cold in Doonbeg, but you may not know this since you mostly abandon the place over the winter. O-) 8-)

Very kind offer but the expense that is the dog will be coming with us. Having spent €200 I intend to get my monies worth.

Liked by: sprinter

Eat's Sleep's craic
Gender: n/a
Location: Kilrush Co Clare
Age: 59
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My Motorhome: mobilvetta mh 85
Base Vehicle: Fiat

Re: Titre test for pets

Posted: 04.04.2023  ·  #7
Quote by JJF

Quote by StrandCampingDoonbeg

I have put this post here although it was started in the thread across the water. I’m not sure if there could be a topic for pets???

Anyway for our trip over the winter we need to get a titre test for our dog when traveling out of the eu and into the eu between Greece, Albania or Serbia and Croatia.

Well we had the test done a month ago, it involves blood being sent to an EU approved lab, there’s none in Ireland so it went to Germany. Results back a month and a bit later, cost €200.

Separate matter anyone want a second hand dog?

Is the test a once off Jamie?… or does it have to be repeated? If so, what timeframe?

I believe it is valid as long as I keep the rabies jab up to date. So he won’t need testing again,

Liked by: HarryML, JJF

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