Thanks to all who report spam posts on the forum.
We’ve had a few in the past few days.
If you see ‘unread posts’ on you’re feed and there isn’t any, it’s because the mods/admins have deleted the spam.
We have zero tolerance of spammers, their posts are deleted, their IP’s/emails/usernames are black listed & removed & they’re deleted off the platform.
Please continue to report these posts if you see them, we (mods) get a notification when you submit a report and we delete them as soon as we can.
We’ve had a few in the past few days.
If you see ‘unread posts’ on you’re feed and there isn’t any, it’s because the mods/admins have deleted the spam.
We have zero tolerance of spammers, their posts are deleted, their IP’s/emails/usernames are black listed & removed & they’re deleted off the platform.
Please continue to report these posts if you see them, we (mods) get a notification when you submit a report and we delete them as soon as we can.
Liked by: Albert the Talbot, Ally, baguette, eirebus, Flipperdipper, johnnymac, ntg, RobbieD, sprinter