Fire in Spain

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Fire in Spain

Posted: 25.02.2023  ·  #1…ns-murcia/

In the report there's the comment “The fire spread quickly to 12 plots occupied by motorhomes and caravans, but not all of them burned because some of the owners managed to drive away.”
It begs the question, how good an idea it is to have a well pegged down safari room or the vehicle on axle stand type levellers.
I've stayed a few times at Camping Playa de Mazarrón and seen some motorhomes rendered immovable by safari rooms etc but others accompanied by freestanding gazebos which allowed the vehicle to be driven away for local touring or shopping trips, also obviously useful in the event of a fire on the site.

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Re: Fire in Spain

Posted: 25.02.2023  ·  #2
It would be interesting to know how close they were parked together

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Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Fire in Spain

Posted: 25.02.2023  ·  #3
Quote by TommyS

It would be interesting to know how close they were parked together

Like this, the plots are a decent size, about 7m wide, but as in the picture there can be a next-door neighbour quite close depending on the side of the door, or if one mh is backed in and the other is driven in, like in the picture.

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Re: Fire in Spain

Posted: 25.02.2023  ·  #4
I couldn’t read the Olive Press article without subscribing.
I could read this one…m_navigate
I have stayed on the site once, I liked the site but on the majority of pitches the entire pitch space was filled with a MH or caravan, awning or car or trailer etc.
I parked in the middle of our pitch to give a bit of separation from my neighbours on each side.
Getting on and off the pitch I was on was not a single manoeuvre in daylight but at 1.30 in the morning with everything going on and potentially 900 pitches all thinking about a quick exit! Not good.
Two reports of the likely cause faulty lightbulb in a MH or faulty cooker in a caravan.

All in all a lucky escape for all.
In the link I’ve posted it reports 3 firs on campsites in the region.

Spanish sites are often very tight, especially those with long termers filling the entire pitch they have.

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Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Fire in Spain

Posted: 26.02.2023  ·  #5
Makes you think.
I’m guilty of having safari room up if I’m parked for an extended period.

There is no way of getting out quickly if something like that happened.

Liked by: sprinter

Eat's Sleep's craic
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My Motorhome: Rapido 963F
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Re: Fire in Spain

Posted: 26.02.2023  ·  #6
Quote by JJF

Makes you think.
I’m guilty of having safari room up if I’m parked for an extended period.

There is no way of getting out quickly if something like that happened.

I've seen quite a few with THIS type, or similar, of free-standing living areas. As said in my earlier post they make driving away for any reason hassle free.

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