Welcome Trisarahtops

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Welcome Trisarahtops

Posted: 22.02.2023  ·  #1
Hello Trisarahtops,

Welcome to Motorhomecraic, why not introduce yourself here so we can welcome you properly. We hope you enjoy Motorhomecraic and if you need any help using our website then just ask.

Please add your location to your profile, if you have any questions then it helps other members help YOU, we only need a County not an address.

Thanks for registering,
The Craic Team

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Hello from Scotland

Posted: 22.02.2023  ·  #2
Good Morning,

My name is Sarah, I'm the owner of a Renault Trafic Mk1 Leisuredrive for work purposes and although we are residential based in P&K my fiance and I currently live 90% in our Talbot express. Reasons are, we are currently travelling our home country [Scotland] to find our next place to live, but open to increasing travelling to other countries, should our work and finances allow.

I felt inclined to join after reading a great conversation from 2016 regarding height barriers. It aligns with our recent struggles and my questions on the legality of height barriers on public access roads, especially since there are no legislations to permit local councils to prejudice against Motorhomes with their 'No Motorhome' signs.. So where is the legislation that gives councils power to prohibit based on height alone? I'm looking but I'm betting that there are many straws being clutched with subjective interpretation of some regulations to justify their actions.

However, I am not here solely for the above. I appreciate the open and constructive discussions and the 'if you want it, get up and do it attitude'.

I am all for talking, but if I wanted just that I'd go to Facebook which all too often turns into a lot of hot air and floats away into the ether..
I Prefer conversations with substance and intent, even better collective intent.

Many thanks

Sarah Laidlaw LLB

Liked by: Ally, JettaJohn, ntg, sprinter

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Welcome Trisarahtops

Posted: 22.02.2023  ·  #3
Welcome to MHC Sarah

Liked by: Trisarahtops

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Re: Welcome Trisarahtops

Posted: 23.02.2023  ·  #4
Quote by Trisarahtops

I am all for talking, but if I wanted just that I'd go to Facebook which all too often turns into a lot of hot air and floats away into the ether..
I Prefer conversations with substance and intent, even better collective intent.

Sarah Laidlaw LLB

👏👏👏👏👏👏 😁

Welcome Sarah, my thoughts exactly ☺

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Re: Welcome Trisarahtops

Posted: 24.02.2023  ·  #5
Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Welcome Trisarahtops

Posted: 24.02.2023  ·  #6
Eat's Sleep's craic
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Welcome Trisarahtops

Posted: 24.02.2023  ·  #7
You are very welcome Sarah, it would appear, you have found your way, home to your family, 😁👍👏
If you started reading from 2016, you have quite a lot of homework to do. 🤔😅

Liked by: eirebus

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