FAQ: 15/02/2023 - Whats happening!?
- 1. Development continues, Mr Warren Dowey (despite his hair) is working continuously on the app and other work. My (Ally) personal assesment, it'll be 12 months before we have it how we want it and then we'll keep developing. But of course it remains fully usable. Some quicker updates will be out soon.
- 2. So what am I doing? updating places, adding places, adding photos of places.
- 3. You MUST have your LOCATION TURNED ON, on your device.
- 4. Will we be having Facebook and Google logins for easy registering? you bet your little cotton socks we will.
- 5. Is the website finished? no, soon. https://motorhomeparkinglocations.com
- 6. Have you added a location or left a review yet? PLEASE please please do
- 7. Not on your nelly.
- 8. How many feet has 40 sheep and a Shepherd and his dog?
Liked by: RobbieD, the fat controller