Spanish Christmas, the 3 kings.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Spanish Christmas, the 3 kings.

Posted: 05.01.2023  ·  #1
The Spanish Christmas is celebrated on January the 6th, all over Spain on the night of the 5th January the 3 kings parade is celebrated, later that night the 3 kings brings presents to the children… no Santa here !.
We went to the parade tonight, a wonderful tradition in Spain.






Albert the Talbot
Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Spanish Christmas, the 3 kings.

Posted: 05.01.2023  ·  #2
I take they eat goose for the 3 kings celebration dinner!
Enjoy Jon and hope the weather is kind to you

Liked by: JJF, sprinter

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Spanish Christmas, the 3 kings.

Posted: 05.01.2023  ·  #3
Weather smashing Brian.
20+ most days and just lovely.
Enjoying the time away.

the fat controller
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Re: Spanish Christmas, the 3 kings.

Posted: 06.01.2023  ·  #4
Quote by Albert the Talbot

I take they eat goose for the 3 kings celebration dinner!
Enjoy Jon and hope the weather is kind to you

Having spoken with our Catalan friends they don't really have a food tradition like we do with eating turkey, the only one I am aware of is eating 12 grapes, one at each bong of the clock at midnight on new years eve. One wish for each grape for each month of the coming year.

The Spanish are worse than the loyal orders in NI for having parades, any excuse and nearly every saint and usually followed by a firework display

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