Electric step.


Eat's Sleep's craic
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Electric step.

Posted: 24.10.2022  ·  #1
One for the Brains Thrust.
A Euro Mobile, with an electric step, it has a switch by the door with a red led when the step is out, there is another on the dash for retracting only with a red led and alarm if you start the engine when the step is out.
Both of them are on a small circuit board with other light switches.
Problem the warning doesn't alway work. So step came in contact with a Toll booth kerb.( now replaced)
So, is it possible to wire it to retract, automatically, when the engine is started,( as an add on) , like on most modern M/H.
I could rewire it with a new switch, relay, and alarm. But I would prefer to keep the original switching systems in use.?

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Electric step.

Posted: 24.10.2022  ·  #2
Yes Martin.
Its possible to do that.
Depending on the circuitry it may be required to apply a momentary supply to retract rather than a continuously switched supply. It all depends how the original was done.

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Eat's Sleep's craic
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Electric step.

Posted: 24.10.2022  ·  #3
Quote by JJF

Yes Martin.
Its possible to do that.
Depending on the circuitry it may be required to apply a momentary supply to retract rather than a continuously switched supply. It all depends how the original was done.

When you press the close push button on the dash control board, it sends a signal to pull the step in, I'm thinkng on the lines of a fast glow plug relay, feeding power to the signal wire?
Something about 3 seconds?

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Electric step.

Posted: 24.10.2022  ·  #4
Can build a little circuit controlling a surface relay with a NE555P control ic chip and a 50K pot.
Simple power up on engine start and it can be made to hold in between 500ms up to 3 mins.

Liked by: sprinter

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