Virgin mobile

Anyone using it?


Virgin mobile

Posted: 29.01.2013  ·  #1
I am thinking of changing to Virgin Mobile when my contract is up this summer.
Their prices for sim only look good and I see they use the EE / Orange / T Mobile network which I am on.

Is anyone using them?
Any good or bad points?

the fat controller
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Re: Virgin mobile

Posted: 29.01.2013  ·  #2
I am getting fedmupmwith the reduction in coverage from EE, if you are outside of major towns I have found its dropping out of signal more frequently, don't know who I would go with but 3 is starting to look good


Re: Virgin mobile

Posted: 29.01.2013  ·  #3
We had issues with EE a while back but not as bad now.

One of our daughters is on 3 because it is the only network with signal in Coleraine Uni. I was quite surprised to see her getting a 3G signal in places I couldn't. The staff in 3 shops are only there to sell. Have no knowledge of billing or network.

Our other daughter is with Vodafone, any time I need to sort something out for her they are more than helpful. They do know their stuff compared with 3

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