Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

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Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

Posted: 15.04.2022  ·  #1

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Re: Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

Posted: 15.04.2022  ·  #2
Video now added to review on the app to warn others.

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Re: Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

Posted: 15.04.2022  ·  #3
It's a challenge. If designated parking is not being used by the designated users and parking is in short supply it's hard to argue for strict enforcement without damaging local support for the scheme. We often press our own case that we're free to use any space designated for cars once we can fit.
People will see the reviews and skip on past Fermoy in their MoHo so it's chicken and egg.
Where's the compromise? Could there be a strictly enforced 30 minute limit on cars in those spaces during the week and no car parking there at weekends or maybe seasonally? The 30 minute limit would ensue that the space would be turned over to a waiting motorhome pretty quickly when needed and that cars would only use these spaces as a last resort.

Edit... While cars do park in camper designated spaces in Cobh, the layout makes the most of the setting with car spaces closer to the town centre, drawing the cars away from the camper spaces. The closer to a town centre, the bigger the conflict.

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Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

Posted: 15.04.2022  ·  #4
That's sad, I have used it on a Friday arrived 6/7 ish and no cars in the whole Car park.only us there.
But I think it's a case of it it's not being used the locals will have a good argument for using it.
I would have informed the parking attendant that I am parking my motorhome as best as I can within the space provided for me, and gone walkabout, being sure to not come back for at least 3/4 hours.

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Re: Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

Posted: 15.04.2022  ·  #5
Personally, I would of waited around for a while, but surely it wouldn't be too much to ask to have at least two bays enforced, then another two when they were filled, then another two....

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Re: Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

Posted: 15.04.2022  ·  #6
Quote by Ally

Personally, I would of waited around for a while, but surely it wouldn't be too much to ask to have at least two bays enforced, then another two when they were filled, then another two....

Also..... We would have hung on a wee while to get a spot , As most of you know it is not unusual in Europe to have shared spaces with local parking ,in off peak times the spaces free up for the motorhomes this seems fair and works well also you know the aires rule ....... always have a plan B incase you don't get a spot, if the spaces were full of campers would the toys have came out of the pram in the same fashion .

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Re: Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

Posted: 15.04.2022  ·  #7
We have stayed there. Had the same problem. Stayed for about an hour for a couple of cars to move and then parked up. Great town to stay in

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Re: Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

Posted: 16.04.2022  ·  #8
I've just arrived at the aire in fermoy.
The "campervan" word on the ground has been removed and replaced with "car"

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Re: Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

Posted: 16.04.2022  ·  #9
Quote by fork

I've just arrived at the aire in fermoy.
The "campervan" word on the ground has been removed and replaced with "car"

Motorhome can park where cars can, so no issue there, except obviously the space is no longer reserved for motorhomes.
In Midleton there are no ground markings for motorhomes and the same problem exists during business hours but the MPI app has a listing for an alternate place in Midleton where you can wait until the official place clears out after 6pm ish.

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Re: Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

Posted: 19.04.2022  ·  #10
There are new camper van spaces on Rathealy road very close to town park.


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Re: Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

Posted: 19.04.2022  ·  #11
It certainly takes away the conflict between busy carpark and motorhomes while still being relatively central. I do wonder how busy it gets with traffic, particularly at shift changeover in Sanmina.

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Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

Posted: 19.04.2022  ·  #12
That would probably be better, there is a bit of green area along by the Sub Aqua clubs next the river, ( which is the building you can see on the right at the end of the marked area), and a little over 0.6kmto the main st.

52°08'27.7"N 8°16'16.4"W
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Re: Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

Posted: 20.04.2022  ·  #13

Is anyone familiar with the carpark by the river shown in this image, is it a local authority carpark? a handful of spaces at either end could make an epic Aire.

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Re: Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

Posted: 21.04.2022  ·  #14
New Aire on the app.

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Re: Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

Posted: 21.04.2022  ·  #15
Eat's Sleep's craic
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Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

Posted: 22.04.2022  ·  #16
Quote by <BM>


Is anyone familiar with the carpark by the river shown in this image, is it a local authority carpark? a handful of spaces at either end could make an epic Aire.

That would be a great spot, the town does seem to have an interest in having motorhomes, so maybe if the new space gets used more, than the last one, they will consider a better place. 🤞. Fair play to them for sticking with the idea of a Parking Place.

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Fermoy Aire

Posted: 22.04.2022  ·  #17
As a resident of Fermoy I have been in frequent contact with a local county Councillor re providing a proper Aire for Fermoy, similar to the one in Cobh. I spoke to him yesterday re the recent change in the site. His response was " due to the lack of parking spaces in the town it was necessary to move to the current location ". The current location is ideal for visiting the town centre which is less than five minutes walk, but as it is on a public road I wouldn't be at ease using it as a over night stop. There is free parking in the previous site from six o'clock in the evening until nine in the morning, which would be an option for an overnight stay, be gone 8.45 to avoid any hassle with people arriving for work. Sunday is free. I have pointed out to him that there is an unused campsite in the town and would the council make some arrangement with the owner and provide parking at €10 a night similar to Cobh, his response was " the council is starved for money". I hope this contribution will be of help to anyone visiting our town. I will continue my contact with the Councillor in the hope of providing a proper Aire for Fermoy. Happy and safe motoring to everyone, enjoy the summer.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

Posted: 22.04.2022  ·  #18
Quote by Europa

As a resident of Fermoy I have been in frequent contact with a local county Councillor re providing a proper Aire for Fermoy, similar to the one in Cobh. I spoke to him yesterday re the recent change in the site. His response was " due to the lack of parking spaces in the town it was necessary to move to the current location ". The current location is ideal for visiting the town centre which is less than five minutes walk, but as it is on a public road I wouldn't be at ease using it as a over night stop. There is free parking in the previous site from six o'clock in the evening until nine in the morning, which would be an option for an overnight stay, be gone 8.45 to avoid any hassle with people arriving for work. Sunday is free. I have pointed out to him that there is an unused campsite in the town and would the council make some arrangement with the owner and provide parking at €10 a night similar to Cobh, his response was " the council is starved for money". I hope this contribution will be of help to anyone visiting our town. I will continue my contact with the Councillor in the hope of providing a proper Aire for Fermoy. Happy and safe motoring to everyone, enjoy the summer.

Thanks for making the effort.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

Posted: 22.04.2022  ·  #19
I don't blame them for that statement, " the council is starved for money". but I would have to ask,? Are they not aware that there are grants for providing tourist amenities, there was talk of grant funding available to develop an Aire in Newross.

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Re: Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

Posted: 22.04.2022  ·  #20
The new site is ONSTREET with traffic on one side and pedestrian traffic on the other side.

Its a major step backwards.

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Re: Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

Posted: 22.04.2022  ·  #21
Quote by fork

The new site is ONSTREET with traffic on one side and pedestrian traffic on the other side.

Its a major step backwards.

But better than SFA.

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Re: Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

Posted: 22.04.2022  ·  #22
I think less will use it.
Traffic till 12PM, less than a foot from your head
"Anto" (who won't walk 20 feet into a car park out of his way) giving the side of the van a slap with the palm of his hand as he walks by, less than a foot from your head, to impress his friends at 2 Am....great laugh
7 Am traffic

The car park that you used to go to...empty.

I stayed in fermoy last saturday night in the old aire (just a carpark!)
I felt safe and secure and off the beaten track.
From 7pm saturday till 9.30 sunday, I was the ONLY vehicle there.
That was the first week of the school easter holidays.

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Re: Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

Posted: 22.04.2022  ·  #23
On street parking is not the best , could the council not look at the old campsite ,I realise it's private property, but it could be made to make a profit for the town and the council,

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Re: Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

Posted: 22.04.2022  ·  #24
They could have said combined car/camper parking section in the carpark.
It's a carpark,not on the side of the taj mahal.
By the way
it's ONE EURO A DAY to park there.

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Re: Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

Posted: 23.04.2022  ·  #25
Quote by sprinter

I don't blame them for that statement, " the council is starved for money". but I would have to ask,? Are they not aware that there are grants for providing tourist amenities, there was talk of grant funding available to develop an Aire in Newross.

Grant money from the Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme funded the new Motorhome Parking Area in Dungarvan.
Waterford Co. Co. used the Part 8 planning process to sort the necessary planning permission on land they already owned to build the facility.
Like Cobh led the way in regularising Motorhome Parking with appropriate byelaws to allow the facility to be provided in an existing car park, similarly Dungarvan have led the way in getting grant aid funding and planning permission to provide a facility on an existing council owned greenfield site.

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Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

Posted: 23.04.2022  ·  #26
Quote by baguette

Quote by sprinter

I don't blame them for that statement, " the council is starved for money". but I would have to ask,? Are they not aware that there are grants for providing tourist amenities, there was talk of grant funding available to develop an Aire in Newross.

Grant money from the Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme funded the new Motorhome Parking Area in Dungarvan.
Waterford Co. Co. used the Part 8 planning process to sort the necessary planning permission on land they already owned to build the facility.
Like Cobh led the way in regularising Motorhome Parking with appropriate byelaws to allow the facility to be provided in an existing car park, similarly Dungarvan have led the way in getting grant aid funding and planning permission to provide a facility on an existing council owned greenfield site.

@Europa. maybe if you get a chance to talk to him again you might point him in this direction, suggesting a call to Dungarven co.co. if they are really interested in increasing the motorhome tourism.

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Fermoy Aire

Posted: 23.04.2022  ·  #27
Will do. I will give him a ring on Monday with the above information.

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Re: Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

Posted: 29.04.2022  ·  #28

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Re: Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

Posted: 29.04.2022  ·  #29
Thanks for that Arron but I don't think I'd ever stay there myself,too noisy and the real danger of being rear ended or side swiped 👎

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Re: Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

Posted: 29.04.2022  ·  #30
You’d want to make sure your hab door was on the footpath side 😬

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Re: Fermoy Motorhome Parking (Aire)

Posted: 29.04.2022  ·  #31
Quote by Galldar

You’d want to make sure your hab door was on the footpath side 😬

If the step was out could it be a shin whacker for somebody walking by on the footpath.

Liked by: baguette, sprinter

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