
Love's the Craic
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Posted: 24.01.2013  ·  #1
I noticed that in the big car park at the Ramore Head end of the Port that kerb stones and an entrance have been constructed. I can only suppose that a height barrier will be in place.
Motorhomers go elsewhere.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Portrush

Posted: 24.01.2013  ·  #2
Yea to Motorhome made park behind the fire station on the L/derry side of Portrush :up:

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Re: Portrush

Posted: 27.01.2013  ·  #3
Down in the Port yesturday. Looks like Ramore Head will be a pay and display accessed with a barrier. There will be parking around the edges facing the sea, but they are single bays and too small for the average MH. The only down side it it will drive the MH to park on the road outside the B&B's. Not go down to well with the B&B owners and will be bad PR for us MH'ers. Maybe part of the next plan will be double yellows outside the B&B's. Hopefully they will get the Aires sorted out behind the Fire Station before Easter. :up:

alien alan
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Re: Portrush

Posted: 27.01.2013  ·  #4
I have seen loads of motorhomes along that carpark. An aires in Portrush is a great idea. I hope it going to be made big enough.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Portrush

Posted: 27.01.2013  ·  #5
I can,t see it being a very big aeries as that is also the tour buses set down park as well unless they change the park for buses to somewhere else. There was nothing wrong with Ramore Head for an aeries I think as it was more adjacent to the centre of the town for shopping and a much better view than looking into the rear of a fire station on one side and a roadway on the other, but there again that,s only me thinking out loud . O-)


Re: Portrush

Posted: 27.01.2013  ·  #6
Good point.
We have seen plenty of aires in France which were stuffed between buildings or at the rear of a filling station or supermarket.
These are usually for servicing. i.e. grey waste disposal etc. but many offer over night space too. I have seen plenty of people using them to stay at too but this is usually because there is nothing else in the area.

If people want to stop in the area they can put an Aire anywhere.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Portrush

Posted: 27.01.2013  ·  #7
We also have a Static on site in Portrush and I know from listening to the workmen on the site that the site owners anywhere in Portrush or Portstewart areas do not like the idea of having a parking area for Motorhomes at all as it is taking revenue from them ,however I don,t see it like that as the Motorhomers are self sufficient and if the site owners were a bit more sociable and helpful the Motorhomers could use the facilities like showers etc they need on any site for a small fee . I have personally seen Motorhomers who were coming to our site to visit friends and were told their motorhomes took up too much space in the car park outside the gates and were reluctantly allowed to park for a short time.


Re: Portrush

Posted: 27.01.2013  ·  #8
Tell me about it Willie.
The whole Motorhome facilities thing is being handled very badly across the whole of Ireland.
I have seen several systems in place across France where campsite owners make money from Motorhomers who are happy with the system.

It seems to be impossible to get this across to them over here.

I have been approached by a potential Motorhome group for all of Ireland who are interested in pushing this forward. I tried to suggest the same thing to an existing group who claim to represent motorhomers but it was a fruitless exercise to be honest.

alien alan
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Re: Portrush

Posted: 29.01.2013  ·  #9
I am sure any town would be happy to see motorhomes staying at the moment. With the economy at its worst in years it is very short sighted of any chamber of trade to keep motorhomes out.


Re: Portrush

Posted: 29.01.2013  ·  #10
Quote by alien alan

I am sure any town would be happy to see motorhomes staying at the moment. With the economy at its worst in years it is very short sighted of any chamber of trade to keep motorhomes out.

How true!
You would think. Wouldn't you?

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Re: Portrush

Posted: 29.01.2013  ·  #11
Quote by alien alan

With the economy at its worst in years it is very short sighted of any chamber of trade to keep motorhomes out.


Very short sighted indeed, but we have to remember they are not Motorhomers, they know nothing of what we do, what we spend and what we need in the way of facilities.

Easy to say "go away" when you don't have the facts.

alien alan
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Re: Portrush

Posted: 29.01.2013  ·  #12
They may not be Motorhomers as you say but is there no official body to represent Motorhomers? If there is, what are they doing?

merlin man
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Ramore Car Park Portrush

Posted: 04.02.2013  ·  #13
Hi, My van was one of 62 that parked at Ramore for the 2012 Air Show.
Friday night was fine.
Saturday night was disturbed with the Racers revving their engines at 2.30am!
On the sunday a blue car with a man and woman drove up and down the rows of Motorhomes blasting the horn!
The air show was good. Portrush has improved with the spruce up.
the traffic wardens said if you can get your wheels inside the box it,s ok!
Ramore is handy for the town and the tennis courts is where the Helicopters land.

Dave. p.s. If they are going to restrict the parking we will have to be up on thursday night!
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Re: Portrush

Posted: 04.03.2013  ·  #14
we got a bad scare parked their one night an ass hole nearly put his fist through the side of the motorhome was very scary

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Re: Portrush

Posted: 04.03.2013  ·  #15
it was at the fire station this happend not ramorehead sorry

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Portrush

Posted: 04.03.2013  ·  #16
site owners need to look at the business options

i spent few weeks in Germany last year
aires and campsites owned by same person, usually same access then one way for site one way for stellplatz

heres a wee sum for them.......
20 vans at 20 euro a night equals............
100 vans at 6 euro a night equals.............
same owner runs both !!!

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Portrush

Posted: 04.03.2013  ·  #17
Bob nice one ,but I think you would have to work it out for most of the them as they have just enough brains to keep them from eating themselves :up:

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