
Motorhome Parking Locations
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Posted: 27.03.2022  ·  #1
Check out latest Lahinch Promenade review on MPI app (update map, bottom left icon)

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Re: Lahinch

Posted: 28.03.2022  ·  #2
We stayed there late last year and ws talking to a traffic warden. He was grand. Said we were fine staying a couple of nights. There were 2 other MHs that stayed also. He was more interested in the buses that were parking all oer the place.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Lahinch

Posted: 28.03.2022  ·  #3
Could be a new "jobsworth" couldn't get a job in the Garda 😁

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Re: Lahinch

Posted: 28.03.2022  ·  #4
It was me that left the review. If you have your ticket displaced and you are parked between the lines then the traffic warden will be happy for you to stay. What really annoyed me was he was their as 09.05 on a Sunday morning just after the long bank holiday, and we was giving out parking tickets to all the car that belonged to the responsible people that did the right thing the night before and left the car behind and got a taxi home. Imagine getting up on Sunday morning a bit hungover having a nice fry for breakfast then walking back to pick up the car only to find some traffic warden on a power trip giving you a ticket.
As for the man with the young family who the traffic warden called the guards on, ok he was a bit over the line but a car still could of parked behind him and he had bought a ticket. It just ruined his weekend, and it has put me off going back their again. Their are so many other places to go why would want the hassel!

Liked by: Ally, eirebus, sprinter

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Posted: 28.03.2022  ·  #5
Quote by Roulston1008

It was me that left the review. If you have your ticket displaced and you are parked between the lines then the traffic warden will be happy for you to stay. What really annoyed me was he was their as 09.05 on a Sunday morning just after the long bank holiday, and we was giving out parking tickets to all the car that belonged to the responsible people that did the right thing the night before and left the car behind and got a taxi home. Imagine getting up on Sunday morning a bit hungover having a nice fry for breakfast then walking back to pick up the car only to find some traffic warden on a power trip giving you a ticket.
As for the man with the young family who the traffic warden called the guards on, ok he was a bit over the line but a car still could of parked behind him and he had bought a ticket. It just ruined his weekend, and it has put me off going back their again. Their are so many other places to go why would want the hassel!

Problem there, probably was the dickhead pulled the short straw and had to work the weekend, and so ruined as many other peoples weekend as possible,
His employers should be asked if his behavior, is part of their parking policy.?

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Re: Lahinch

Posted: 29.03.2022  ·  #6
Clare County Council have jumped on the 'bandwagon' (ooops...sorry) for dedades and have hijacked natural amenities to boost their coffers e.g. the exploitation of the Cliffs of Moher and its attempts to hijack Mullaghmore in the Burren. As a native of Clare I don't even go there anymore and that's my loss as much as any retailer in the area that my absence affects. It's called greed, failure to attend to its role as an entity tasked with leadership and representation and the answer is lobbying candidates before the next county council elections. Also this practice is now enshrined in its ''modus operandi'' and has become the norm. I will be lobbying.

Liked by: Ally, eirebus

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