I thought I'd do a blog. I've never done one before, but I've paid my subs and might as well make use of some server space, so here I am. I'm on 4g most of the the time so don't expect too many pictures of the fabulous things I do and see, that and I don't take that many. You can always follow wifey on Instagram but you'll need to ask her first. Her account is jenn_squires, you'll need to ask her if you can follow her, PM me also and she'll let you in.
There will be a lot of my opinions, yours will be different so please comment.
Details about the van were covered in this thread forum/topic.php?t=23941
We sold our house in England and moved out last July. Wifey did some house sitting for friends going on holiday. I went to Ireland, mum wasn't good and it was nice to be with her before she died. She passed on October 28th. We collected the van early November and set up camp on the Caravan and Camping Club site in Hertford. Did some chores like get the van uprated to 4.1t, sorted out the storage container that holds the remnants of our life, then had Christmas with Dad in Ireland and set off for Spain early January.
There's a few things I need to discuss, so first off is:
My Wife and Van Electrics
There are two solar panals on the roof which charge two leisure batteries. The leisure batteries can also be charged by running the van engine or by plugging in an electric hook up. She understands this. There is a panel so she can look at the percentage remaining in the batteries. She knows that running the fridge off grid, along with switching on the inverter to boil the kettle from time to time gives us two days off grid, at this time of year three days if it's sunny. So why is, every time we stop it's twenty questions? Can I do this? Can I do that?
Today we're on a site with some very low powered electrics. We can plug the van it to charge the batteries but switch anything on and it's a trip to the office to get the circuit breaker reset. Fair enough, we plug the van in, she puts the kettle on, the breaker in the office trips. Breaker reset, she puts the kettle on, breaker trips. Etc. Campsite bloke says 6 amps (I think was the total of his English). I tell wifey that we can switch everything off, charge the batteries, then run off grid. So she switches the fridge on. More discussion and fridge goes off, campsite bloke resets the breaker, wifey checks we have shore power by switching the kettle on. We're sorted now, batteries are full, shore power is unplugged and she can run the fridge to her hearts content. I've very concious of getting into the "mansplaning" thing so just let things run their course.
There will be a lot of my opinions, yours will be different so please comment.
Details about the van were covered in this thread forum/topic.php?t=23941
We sold our house in England and moved out last July. Wifey did some house sitting for friends going on holiday. I went to Ireland, mum wasn't good and it was nice to be with her before she died. She passed on October 28th. We collected the van early November and set up camp on the Caravan and Camping Club site in Hertford. Did some chores like get the van uprated to 4.1t, sorted out the storage container that holds the remnants of our life, then had Christmas with Dad in Ireland and set off for Spain early January.
There's a few things I need to discuss, so first off is:
My Wife and Van Electrics
There are two solar panals on the roof which charge two leisure batteries. The leisure batteries can also be charged by running the van engine or by plugging in an electric hook up. She understands this. There is a panel so she can look at the percentage remaining in the batteries. She knows that running the fridge off grid, along with switching on the inverter to boil the kettle from time to time gives us two days off grid, at this time of year three days if it's sunny. So why is, every time we stop it's twenty questions? Can I do this? Can I do that?
Today we're on a site with some very low powered electrics. We can plug the van it to charge the batteries but switch anything on and it's a trip to the office to get the circuit breaker reset. Fair enough, we plug the van in, she puts the kettle on, the breaker in the office trips. Breaker reset, she puts the kettle on, breaker trips. Etc. Campsite bloke says 6 amps (I think was the total of his English). I tell wifey that we can switch everything off, charge the batteries, then run off grid. So she switches the fridge on. More discussion and fridge goes off, campsite bloke resets the breaker, wifey checks we have shore power by switching the kettle on. We're sorted now, batteries are full, shore power is unplugged and she can run the fridge to her hearts content. I've very concious of getting into the "mansplaning" thing so just let things run their course.