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Posted: 18.10.2021  ·  #1
Yes Facebook, why the fcuk are you not doing something about the abuse?
On this forum, I would be in jail by now if I let the sh*t that goes on in social media happen.

Social media is a sh*t show of hate and abuse. Why is it not investigated?


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Re: Abuse

Posted: 18.10.2021  ·  #2
Vile keyboard warrior cowards…… something to say?……. Say it to my bloody face and we can sort it out man to man.
No time for those clowns with a yellow streak up their back.

Hate FB with a passion…. and for that matter, any social media platform.

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Posted: 26.10.2021  ·  #3
ok - please forgive a dumb question - is it not safe for me to be looking at Classic Hymers on facebook?

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Re: Abuse

Posted: 26.10.2021  ·  #4
Quote by glastry

ok - please forgive a dumb question - is it not safe for me to be looking at Classic Hymers on facebook?

No as the non Hymner owners will troll you lol

Seriously though, part of the news relating to FB and the whistle blower pointed out that the government is concerned that any proposals it puts forward to regulate social media would be leaked by civil servants to the tech giants as they end up getting jobs with them, for example Nick Clegg former deputy PM. Thus allowing them to wriggle out of any changes before they pass through parliament

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Re: Abuse

Posted: 26.10.2021  ·  #5
If everyone sent the owner of Facebook vile abuse I think it would soon change

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Re: Abuse

Posted: 26.10.2021  ·  #6
Quote by hillton9

If everyone sent the owner of Facebook vile abuse I think it would soon change

He'd just turn it off ,he already has the camera on his computer covered so it can't see anything, not turned off , covered

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Re: Abuse

Posted: 26.10.2021  ·  #7
Quote by glastry

ok - please forgive a dumb question - is it not safe for me to be looking at Classic Hymers on facebook?

Absolutely not, as every tech expert will tell you.

There are however safer ways of using it. But never safe or secure.

You might as well let burglars into your house and let them rifle through every drawer in your house and let them watch you continually.

Just watch The Social Experiment on Netflix.

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Re: Abuse

Posted: 26.10.2021  ·  #8
Quote by hillton9

If everyone sent the owner of Facebook vile abuse I think it would soon change

I would say, vile abuse is what he gets continually. As well as proper concerns by people that know what his company is doing to Billions of people.

No idea how he sleeps at night.

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Re: Abuse

Posted: 26.10.2021  ·  #9
If you think Facebook is bad, and it most certainly is. Have a look at Twitter 👀

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Re: Abuse

Posted: 27.10.2021  ·  #10
Love's the Craic
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safer way to use facebook

Posted: 27.10.2021  ·  #11
Quote by Ally

Quote by glastry

ok - please forgive a dumb question - is it not safe for me to be looking at Classic Hymers on facebook?

Absolutely not, as every tech expert will tell you.

There are however safer ways of using it. But never safe or secure.

You might as well let burglars into your house and let them rifle through every drawer in your house and let them watch you continually.

Just watch The Social Experiment on Netflix.

Thanks for that Ally, much appreciated. It does produce more questions :- If "they" already have my details ,what difference will it make if for example ,i were to stop viewing classic hymers? What is a safer way to use facebook?
is it anyway safer just to view facebook as against making "postings"
is it possible to delete personal information from facebook?
is "messenger" ok?

Location: Muckamore, Antrim
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Re: Abuse

Posted: 27.10.2021  ·  #12
Quote by glastry"]

Thanks for that Ally, much appreciated. It does produce more questions :- If "they" already have my details ,what difference will it make if for example ,i were to stop viewing classic hymers? What is a safer way to use facebook?
is it anyway safer just to view facebook as against making "postings"
is it possible to delete personal information from facebook?
is "messenger" ok?

Classic Hymers group isn't the problem, its the platform they are using - Facebook.

Messanger, facebook, whatsapp, instagram and all facebook products are vile, if you have one, then by proxy you have them all, they all share between them.

Here is one way to use Facebook safer (but not safe) - forum/topic.php?p=169308#real169308

You can completely delete your data on facebook, but do they still keep it? who knows. By using Facebook wether you post to it or not they are constantly collecting your personal life. If you have the app on your phone they know when you open your bank account app, they know when and how you pay for things, basically nothing is safe from the bastids. Same goes for messanger and whatsapp and instagram.

Do YOU care? that's everyone's choice, but if you listen to experts, it's foolish not too care. However most don't care. *I* DO a LOT.

Safest way - fake name, an email address you use for nothing else, wrong DOB, inside a container as per the link above, on a pc and the browser you use for facebook must only be used for Facebook.

If you insist on using the Facebook app on your phone then you must have all security settings at their highest and open links in an external browser, however, it only helps a little, the app is the main problem, but facebook is the overall problem and all its other software.

Same goes for whatsapp on your phone. My advice? remove it and use https://signal.org instead.

If it's FREE, you are the product.

Love's the Craic
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thanks to ally

Posted: 27.10.2021  ·  #13
sincere thanks for the information and for your time spent putting it together.
very much appreciated.

Liked by: Ally

Love's the Craic
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vile abuse

Posted: 27.10.2021  ·  #14
Quote by hillton9

If everyone sent the owner of Facebook vile abuse I think it would soon change

nah- i have sent ally abuse years ago -didn't make no difference!

Liked by: Ally, eirebus, sprinter

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