3 Paddies building a bridge

Eat's Sleep's craic
Location: Portglenone. Co Antrim
Age: 25
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3 Paddies building a bridge

Posted: 03.10.2021  ·  #1
Paddy the English man, Paddy the Scottsman and Paddy the Irishman were tendering to build a new bridge.
On the day the tenders were to be opened Paddy the Englishman was asked to open his first,on opening it he revealed that his tender was 2 Million Pounds.
The Quantity surveyer asked him if he could give a break down? Yes says Paddy the Englishman it is 1 Million for materials and 1 Million for labour.
Paddy the Scottsman was asked to open his and he revealed that his tender was for 4 Million, 2 Million for materials and 2 Million for labour.
Paddy the Irishman was asked to open his, my tender is for 6 Million.
2 Million for you the QS, 2 Million for myself and the other 2 Million to Paddy the Englishman to build the bridge. :lol: :lol:

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