I read this today.
Power to remove trespassers on land
3.—(1) If the senior police officer present at the scene reasonably believes that two or more persons are trespassing on land and are present there with the common purpose of residing there for any period, that reasonable steps have been taken by or on behalf of the occupier to ask them to leave and—
(a)that any of those persons has caused damage to the land or to property on the land or used threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour towards the occupier, a member of his family or an employee or agent of his; or .
(b)that those persons have between them six or more vehicles on the land, .
he may direct those persons, or any of them, to leave the land and to remove any vehicles or other property they have with them on the land.
Reside is not defined in this order but is defined in other UK legislation as meaning 'to live permanently or for a considerable time (in a place).
Power to remove trespassers on land
3.—(1) If the senior police officer present at the scene reasonably believes that two or more persons are trespassing on land and are present there with the common purpose of residing there for any period, that reasonable steps have been taken by or on behalf of the occupier to ask them to leave and—
(a)that any of those persons has caused damage to the land or to property on the land or used threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour towards the occupier, a member of his family or an employee or agent of his; or .
(b)that those persons have between them six or more vehicles on the land, .
he may direct those persons, or any of them, to leave the land and to remove any vehicles or other property they have with them on the land.
Reside is not defined in this order but is defined in other UK legislation as meaning 'to live permanently or for a considerable time (in a place).