Spits Buried Since 1945 Located in Myanmar
Preserved in crates, condition could be pristine
April 16, 2012 - A British farmer announced over the weekend that he has located a dozen or more Supermarine Spitfires buried in their shipping crates beneath Myanmar (Burma) since 1945. David Cundall, 62, told The Telegraph that he confirmed through radar imaging technology at least 12 and as many as 20 crated aircraft are buried some 40 feet underground. In February he saw the crates after sinking a camera through a borehole, and they appear to be in good condition.
His 15-year quest included 12 trips to Myanmar and more than £130,000 out of pocket as he searched for the airplanes. "It took me more than 15 years but I finally found them," Cundall told The Telegraph. "Spitfires are beautiful aeroplanes and should not be rotting away in a foreign land. They saved our neck in the Battle of Britain and they should be preserved."
Preserved in crates, condition could be pristine
April 16, 2012 - A British farmer announced over the weekend that he has located a dozen or more Supermarine Spitfires buried in their shipping crates beneath Myanmar (Burma) since 1945. David Cundall, 62, told The Telegraph that he confirmed through radar imaging technology at least 12 and as many as 20 crated aircraft are buried some 40 feet underground. In February he saw the crates after sinking a camera through a borehole, and they appear to be in good condition.
His 15-year quest included 12 trips to Myanmar and more than £130,000 out of pocket as he searched for the airplanes. "It took me more than 15 years but I finally found them," Cundall told The Telegraph. "Spitfires are beautiful aeroplanes and should not be rotting away in a foreign land. They saved our neck in the Battle of Britain and they should be preserved."