Much like Corona, they don't seem to have a definitive answer and the tune keeps changing to whatever they have available that specific day, so it's definitely very difficult to do the right thing when you don't know what the right thing to do is.
Taxing as a penalty is definitely not the answer, giving money to the government (any gov) will not improve climate change, they should instead work with more incentives so people get more tempted to make a change, but then again... you could be investing money on something that might not be as good in a few years.
Remember when Diesel engines where being green and petrol was the evil? Then Diesel became the evil of all things and they started selling hybrids, now hybrids are evil....
This year we switched to a fully electric car, but can't fool anyone saying that it's green. Greener possibly, but not green when you still have to produce batteries and electricity is still being mostly generated by diesel. So will they tell me that electric is also bad for the environment? Most likely in a few years, yup... and is it something that anyone can do? Absolutely not, electric cars are still very, very expensive and we need at least 5 more years until the now "more accessible" yokes from the regular motorfactors (not telsa) to come to the 2nd and market and see how that looks.
I considered installing solar panels and batteries to run my house of grid but the initial investment is so big that it's very difficult to bite the bullet. It'll take about 10 years to see any type of return and in 5 there's probably going to be better batteries, better panels, etc and I'd have to upgrade, not doable.
But yeah... until 'murica takes the initiative and reduces half of his population driving around with ridiculous 8L V8s just because, then it doesn't matter what we do, it'll be impossible to offset the equation.
My solution? Don't have kids