Quote by gavster1
Still search for booze stashes on the way in of course.
Point is, why?
It's an amazing fete of nonesical (sp?) attitude trying to capitalise on a captive audience. When in fact it does exactly the opposite.
I am solely responsible for Sunflowerfest allowing punters to bring in their own alcohol (no glasses, sensible actions...etc). I whinged like only I can do
After the first year of "freeflow", the organisers were asked how it worked out. "we sold more beer at the bars"
Festival goers consume alcohol, it goes without saying. Restricting them and searching them like children doesn't have the effect they want. Years of experience teaches us that. Something Stendhal and Dalriada hasn't learned yet. Glastonbury has those years.
Sunflowerfest and Vantastival are the best festivals in Ireland/NI. #freeflow
Not only does it allow free flow and promotes beer sales it stops those in campsites getting pissed up drinking their own cans and then entering the festival. Allowing them in with their own cans populates the stages quicker, creates a better atmosphere and cuts down on the huge amount of expenditure on security trying to stop you in the first place.
Next what happens...... Everyone is having such a good time, they runout of beer and go and buy pints.
I reiterate.... If Glastonbury is doing it......