I will be updating the software soon on MotorhomeCraic to a much better version of what we have. Some members are having a few problems with this version, and it is outdated in some ways. Normal updates are not a problem, but this is a change to a completely new system and coding.
Please backup your Avatar's and any images that you might want to keep.
Hopefully it all goes according to plan and we don't lose any post's. :shock:
Some posts will lose their images that are attached.
Should be upgrading early next week (week starting 24/10/11)
I will be doing this in the middle of the night, if you arrive to the new version and it is in German, please go to your profile and change your language to English, I will try to change all the accounts over to English but might not get time or may miss some.
Wish me luck
Please backup your Avatar's and any images that you might want to keep.
Hopefully it all goes according to plan and we don't lose any post's. :shock:
Some posts will lose their images that are attached.
Should be upgrading early next week (week starting 24/10/11)
I will be doing this in the middle of the night, if you arrive to the new version and it is in German, please go to your profile and change your language to English, I will try to change all the accounts over to English but might not get time or may miss some.
Wish me luck