Butane or propane - which is best for winter?

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Butane or propane - which is best for winter?

Posted: 03.12.2012  ·  #1
Hi Craicer's
Just moved from a caravan to a motorhome and I'm planning to use it right through the winter, but in the caravan it used butane gas and the motorhome uses propane. I did use the caravan through the winter with no problems on butane so I'm wondering has anyone on here had problems or is it a myth that propane is better ?


Re: Butane or propane - which is best for winter?

Posted: 03.12.2012  ·  #2
The physical properties of the two gases are very similar, and when regulated to the correct pressure, they will perform almost identically. However there are some important differences.

Of the two gases, Butane has the most advantages.

It is less toxic and so can legally be used and stored indoors. Litre for litre, it contains around 12% more energy than Propane and so you can squeeze more running time into the same sized bottle. (Butane is heavier than Propane though, so weight for weight it's a pretty close call.)
Butane also burns cleaner than Propane (although this isn't normally a serious issue in caravanning.)
Finally, while it's not strictly a property of the gas, Butane canisters generally use clip-on type connections. These are far more convenient than the Propane screw type connections, especially if you swap bottles around regularly (as you might if you also use your caravan bottle to run a barbecue.)
Conversely, Propane has only one advantage over Butane - but it's a big one!

In order to be usable, the liquid in the bottle must be able to boil into a gas. In the case of Butane, this will happen at any temperature above -2C, whereas with Propane, this figure is much lower, at -42C. In the real world, it's not so clear cut. Whenever some of the liquid boils into gas, the remaining liquid cools. It is therefore possible for the temperature of the liquid to drop to several degrees below ambient. This can easily prevent a Butane canister from producing a useful gas supply, even when the outside temperature is several degrees above 0C. A compromise can be reached by mixing Propane with Butane, but as far as I'm aware, none of the UK 'big bottle' suppliers actually do this. The small gas cartridges that are produced for camping stoves and gas lamps are often Propane/Butane mixes. So choosing the right gas pretty much boils down to whether you need to use it in freezing (or near freezing) conditions. If this is likely, then Propane is a must. If not, then Butane has the edge.

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Re: Butane or propane - which is best for winter?

Posted: 03.12.2012  ·  #3
Besides the difference, make sure you don't end up with what happened to me. I was using a Propane bottle on a Butane regulator.


from an older post..

I have a propane bottle but we noticed it was a Butane regulator, Butane is 28MBar and Propane is 37MBar, worth checking to make sure. Our kettle now boils in less than half the time!

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Butane or propane - which is best for winter?

Posted: 03.12.2012  ·  #4
Robbie has it nailed.....

propane prob best choice for this climate........

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Butane or propane - which is best for winter?

Posted: 03.12.2012  ·  #5
I'm not sure what I use but I get filled up at the pumps for half the price and it has never given me any problems.\

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Re: Butane or propane - which is best for winter?

Posted: 03.12.2012  ·  #6
Robbie thanks for the in depth answer concerning the two gases so I think I'll stick with the propane canisters and that just means I've now got four of the little 4.5kg butane ones to move on now, gumtree here i come :fgrin:


Re: Butane or propane - which is best for winter?

Posted: 04.12.2012  ·  #7
I agree with what's been said - propane is the fuel of choice in winter. When I was full-timing it was propane all year round.

Just to comment on the mention of toxicity. Propane and butane are from the same family as methane and ethane. Methane is the "natural gas" from the North Sea (and cows, I believe) which fuels your domestic appliances. It has 1 carbon atom in the molecule and 4 hydrogen atoms - CH₄. Ethane is next with 2 carbons and 6 hydrogens, C₂H₆, then propane, C₃H₈, and butane, C₄H₁₀. After that you're into pentane, hexane, heptane, octane and so on.

None of these are toxic in the sense that they act directly on the human body like cyanide does. They are chemically inert. What CAN happen is the gas can displace air from a confined space, leaving an atmosphere with not enough oxygen to sustain life, so you suffocate. However, with that much gas floating around the risk of explosion is obviously very high.

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Re: Butane or propane - which is best for winter?

Posted: 04.12.2012  ·  #8
Perhaps it's just as well I dont smoke then :fgrin: but with that last comment Watchkeeper I might just turn the gas off at night to be on the safe side :up:

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Butane or propane - which is best for winter?

Posted: 05.12.2012  ·  #9
dont turn the gas off or your fridge wont work ...the gas at the garage pumps is propane and it definatly is cheaper ,,, butane bottles are much easier to source if you run out (in ROI anyway )

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