The new Brexit

mad max
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The new Brexit

Posted: 05.03.2020  ·  #1
So has anybody noticed that the Brexit has not been mentioned since the corona virus hit the headlines

Just my observation is Thursday after all 🍻

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Re: The new Brexit

Posted: 05.03.2020  ·  #2
Smoke screens.



Re: The new Brexit

Posted: 05.03.2020  ·  #3
The media are lapping this up. Best thing ever... since.... Brexit

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Re: The new Brexit

Posted: 05.03.2020  ·  #4
I’m still trying to connect the dots on this one ...... but, remember Prince Harry and Meghan announce their stepping down from royal duties and thereby causes some controversy. This, of coarse, was at a time when there was another great royal scandal taking place. I can’t quite remember what it was. Oh yes, got it. It was something to do with Prince Andrew and a dodgy associate Epstein in New York. But how do you wipe scandal upon scandal? Now bear with me for a moment, but was there not a remarkable admission from Prince Philip, the duke of Edinburgh himself which stated “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation”.? And as for Brexit. Well who is talking about that now?

Now I’m not one to gossip and like I say, I’m still trying to work this one out but please feel free to chip in. Conspiracy theory, really? Now who’s the crazy one? 😜

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Re: The new Brexit

Posted: 06.03.2020  ·  #5
Being no spring chicken what gets me is that everybody is going on like this is something never seen before. When i was a wee slip of a lad back in the late 60s for the only time (so far and hopefully my last) I took to my bed for 2 weeks with "Hong Kong Flu" which according to some sources killed between 2 and 4 million people worldwide.
So another "Flu" but this time they have to give it a fancy name and everybody is in panic, (called at Morrison today and they had no hand soap just row after row of empty shelf.
Do you think that there would be this much reaction if it was called Manderin Flu or some other name, and it does make you wonder where it came from.
Oh of course we cant blame it on Brexit so yes got it it must be down to "Global Warming"

:devil: :sick: :devil: o.O :-/

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Re: The new Brexit

Posted: 06.03.2020  ·  #6
There’s always the RHI report on 13th March to look forward to! Might get lost among all the other news.. Mainly a story of interest in NI.

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Re: The new Brexit

Posted: 06.03.2020  ·  #7
Quote by gavster1

There’s always the RHI report on 13th March to look forward to! Might get lost among all the other news.. Mainly a story of interest in NI.

"Oh nothing untoward happened, it was a mistake that anyone could of made, Move along plebs"

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Re: The new Brexit

Posted: 06.03.2020  ·  #8
Why the panic buying on toilet paper. Does the virus give you the thrupenny bits. 😲😩

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Re: The new Brexit

Posted: 06.03.2020  ·  #9
Quote by JMAC

Why the panic buying on toilet paper. Does the virus give you the thrupenny bits. 😲😩

It's for all the verbal diarrhea,at this stage listening about it is probably worse than getting it

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Re: The new Brexit

Posted: 06.03.2020  ·  #10
Quote by eirebus

Quote by JMAC

Why the panic buying on toilet paper. Does the virus give you the thrupenny bits. 😲😩

It's for all the verbal diarrhea,at this stage listening about it is probably worse than getting it

I could not agree more. It’s a media frenzy. Jesuswept. It’s the F%^king flu. Accepted it is dangerous for people with underlying illnesses, but for the majority, it is the flu. Influenza kills approximately 1.2 million people Every year. Not one word about that. Starvation kills about 4000 every week. Nothing about that. I guess starvation won’t kill affluent people in affluent nations though, whereas this virus, has no respect of our wealth

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Re: The new Brexit

Posted: 06.03.2020  ·  #11
Quote by Daffysparks

Quote by eirebus

Quote by JMAC

Why the panic buying on toilet paper. Does the virus give you the thrupenny bits. 😲😩

It's for all the verbal diarrhea,at this stage listening about it is probably worse than getting it

I could not agree more. It’s a media frenzy. Jesuswept. It’s the F%^king flu. Accepted it is dangerous for people with underlying illnesses, but for the majority, it is the flu. Influenza kills approximately 1.2 million people Every year. Not one word about that. Starvation kills about 4000 every week. Nothing about that. I guess starvation won’t kill affluent people in affluent nations though, whereas this virus, has no respect of our wealth

Here here David,where do these bloody idiots come from?
The media need to take a hike and give us peace,also if it were not for incidents like this then these plunkers would not have a job.
The elderly dye every day and there has to be some underlying reason so for now it is coronavirus.

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A few figures.

Posted: 09.03.2020  ·  #12
Hopefully I will remain an optimist regarding both Coravirus and Brexit even though I seem to tick several of the boxes, age, fitness etc.
Coravirus will be an opportunity to divert our attention away from whaterver c**k-ups "Boris's " team make regarding Brexit.
Today an on the Radio an Australian expert explained that we ( the world) was overpopulated by about 80% and the world could not support civilization if we carry on living in the manner to which we are accustomed.
I got the idea he agreed with Philip that a pandemic might help.
I spent a little time an my PC trying to establish how we had tried to prevent this overpopulation in the 20th century.
According to the statistics I managed to assemble Wars etc had accounted for approx 157 million deaths. These are of course forshortened lives.
Being just a retired AOP ex mechanical engineer and no expert in these matters I wonder in the grand order of things will it make much difference if a few of us depart this life a little sooner than hoped.

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Re: The new Brexit

Posted: 10.03.2020  ·  #13
On a world level it would be a really good idea for several millions to fall off their perches.
But if it was my husband/wife, brother, sister or parent dying a very unpleasant death then I might not feel quite so objective.

Liked by: Ally, CHAUSSON, eirebus, GMAC, PaulH, TommyS, +deleted user

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