Welcome Watchkeeper!

Welcome Watchkeeper!

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Welcome Watchkeeper!

Posted: 13.11.2012  ·  #1
Welcome Watchkeeper!

HI!, Welcome to Motorhome Craic, why not introduce yourself here so we can welcome you properly. We hope you enjoy Motorhome Craic and if you need any help using our website then just ask.

Come on in, we don't bite!

Thanks for registering,
Craic Team


Re: Welcome Watchkeeper!

Posted: 13.11.2012  ·  #2
Hi everybody!

I'm in the top right-hand corner of England (next stop Scotland!) in beautiful Northumberland. I had my honeymoon in a pop-top Transit back in 1968, then bought a CI Wayfarer, "Gloria", also a Transit-based pop-top in the late 70's. That lasted until 1984, then in 1997 I got an Autohomes Highlander 2. Regrettably it was stolen with virtually everything I had (I was full-timing) in August 2000.

Now, as the shadows are lengthening, I'd like to go travelling again so am on the lookout for an Avalon or Camelot. Hopefully by the turn of the year or soon after I'll be back in the motorcaravanning fold.

I've come to Motorhome Craic because I want to visit Ireland that I've heard so much about, and thought this would be the place to get all the info I'll need, and especially the info I don't know I need. I intend coming over next summer.

Top of my list of places to visit is Cashel, home of Sister Fidelma whose brother Colgu is King of Muman. But you probably know all about her already.


I've read all the books!

Location: Muckamore, Antrim
Age: 55
Homepage: motorhomecraic.com
Posts: 32648
Registered: 08 / 2011
My Motorhome: Lunar Roadstar 780
Base Vehicle: Fiat 2.8 JTD

Re: Welcome Watchkeeper!

Posted: 14.11.2012  ·  #3
Welcome Stuart, great introduction. Good luck with your search on another camper.

Location: Antrim
Age: 54
Posts: 50
Registered: 02 / 2012

Re: Welcome Watchkeeper!

Posted: 14.11.2012  ·  #4
Welcome to Craic :love:

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