Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Trip report.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Posted: 24.11.2019  ·  #1
As we sit here in Cobh aire tonight (Sunday 24th November) beginning to type up this years blog of our travels I’m left sort of expecting a dear Jon type of message...
“We regret to inform you because of bad weather your sailing is blah blah blah” because the weather tonight is brutal, very wet and very windy indeed, but as yet we haven’t received said message and we await our sailing late tomorrow evening. We’re already about a month late leaving this year because of issues beyond our control and indeed our sailing was then cancelled 10 days ago and we should be in Spain already chasing the big yellow glow in the sky 🌞.
But it is what it is and hopefully we get away this time. So what are the plans? Well getting on the damn ferry will be a bonus and we’ve decided to head straight down to the Costa Blanca first. Our initial plans (almost a month ago) was to travel via Madrid, saunter our way around that area for a couple of weeks and arrive out on the coast somewhere south of Murcia and take in the less visited bits of the coast south of Murcia and all the way around to Cadiz. But that’s thwarted on the grounds of us flying home for Christmas on the 19th December from Alicante (one of the reasons of our late departure is Jackies Dad isn’t so well and we need to travel back then) but we resume our trip again when we fly back out on the 3rd of January accompanied by our daughter and another friend of ours. On those grounds and of time constraints we head straight down and stay maybe near Guardamar or Santa Palo or Grand Alicante ..... somewhere in that region anyhow. Our dog sitter is in Guardamar and I’ve the motorhome booked with vip parking in Alicante for the days we are home, good secure parking with 24 hour security.
So, we left home yesterday morning about 11am and a leisurely drive in sunshine all the way with the intention of using an overnight stop from the app at Kinvarra, south of Galway on the coast and that’s exactly what we did arriving there after 3pm with mandatory coffee break on the way. Lovely peaceful overnight stop with one motorhome present with us. Great wee town, couple big supermarkets for necessary supplies, lots of places to eat, filling station and lots of nice pubs. Can reccomend the pier restaurant and bar where we headed off for some ‘moules & frites’... it’s right beside the stop and ideal for anyone with reduced mobility. We headed off with Orla our Jack Russell for a good walk and we both commented on the empty feeling we are both experiencing on this trip on count of loosing our other dog and missing her, particularly when she went everywhere with us in the van.... but such is life. We awoke early and after coffee we took a stroll around town before breakfast and left Kinvarra around 11am heading south via Gort and then the motorway.


Approaching Limerick the weather took a turn for the worse, light rain turned to a persistent fall leading to a very wet and miserable drive for the final 70km to Cobh, and that is how it’s stayed since, so bad in fact that letting the dog out to the toilet results in a drenching in a very short time.

So we’re here !, we shall see what the morning brings and whatever it is we’ll deal with it and hopefully our next report will be from Spain.

mad max
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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers and a mutt.

Posted: 24.11.2019  ·  #2
Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers and a mutt.

Posted: 24.11.2019  ·  #3
We're going down on 11th December Jon. Will probably run into you some place. We're staying in the Sierra Nevada region just west of Granada over Christmas, and tootling about the pueblos blancas all the way west for a couple or three months. Ennjoy your trip, safe journey.

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Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers and a mutt.

Posted: 24.11.2019  ·  #4
Perfect Nick, our paths will cross no doubt..... we’re sort of free mid Jan to tootle about where we like when family fly home.
We’re hoping to stay to April or so.

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Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers and a mutt.

Posted: 24.11.2019  ·  #5
Enjoy your gtravels Jon/Jackie and Orla. Always love to read the trip updates over the cold winter months :up:

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Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers and a mutt.

Posted: 24.11.2019  ·  #6
Really looking forward to this blog. Safe trip and we’ll see you next year.

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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers and a mutt.

Posted: 25.11.2019  ·  #7
Quote by JJF

As we sit here in Cobh aire tonight (Sunday 24th November) beginning to type up this years blog of our travels I’m left sort of expecting a dear Jon type of message...
“We regret to inform you because of bad weather your sailing is blah blah blah”

Well, the call did come !.... cancelled.
Sailing tomorrow night.... I’ll not hold my breath 🤨
A well, right Cork.... let’s be having you. We’re off into town on the train 👍🏼


Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers and a mutt.

Posted: 25.11.2019  ·  #8
Good ol' Brittanny Ferries.....Never fail to dissapoint :devil:

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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers and a mutt.

Posted: 25.11.2019  ·  #9
That is a bugger, is the Cancellation weather related? Hope you get to board soon, Bon Voyage and safe travelling.

Liked by: JJF

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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers and a mutt.

Posted: 25.11.2019  ·  #10
Sorry to hear that again Jon, how are they in business, if you had a haulage business you just couldn't rely on them

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Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers and a mutt.

Posted: 25.11.2019  ·  #11
Quote by panda

Good ol' Brittanny Ferries.....Never fail to dissapoint :devil:


That is a bugger, is the Cancellation weather related? Hope you get to board soon, Bon Voyage and safe travelling.

Quote by eirebus

Sorry to hear that again Jon, how are they in business, if you had a haulage business you just couldn't rely on them

Feck it lads, it’s just another day.
We are Enjoying Cork today and Cobh is just lovely. We’re not bothered if we’re honest .... no point, doesn’t change things and we’re fortunate that we’re not tied to dates.... would concern us if we were tied to specific time off.
I’m off to wetherspoons for a couple pints of proper beer.

Liked by: Ally, CHAUSSON, eirebus, ntg, panda

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers and a mutt.

Posted: 25.11.2019  ·  #12
Quote by eirebus

Sorry to hear that again Jon, how are they in business, if you had a haulage business you just couldn't rely on them

They have a haulage business and no one can rely on or trust them >_<

Take the time to visit the English Market if you can fit it in while your hanging around :up:

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Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Posted: 25.11.2019  ·  #13
Quote by sprinter

Take the time to visit the English Market if you can fit it in while your hanging around :up:

And make sure you sample some of Flynn's delicious sausages.

Liked by: JJF

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Posted: 25.11.2019  ·  #14
Quote by Flipperdipper

Quote by sprinter

Take the time to visit the English Market if you can fit it in while your hanging around :up:

And make sure you sample some of Flynn's delicious sausages.

And you might bump into some of the young offenders 😀

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mad max
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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Posted: 25.11.2019  ·  #15
When they cancel your next planned sailing (fingers crossed it goes as planned and they dont cancel) you might be as well off going to Killarney and checking out the historics 😂

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Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Posted: 05.12.2019  ·  #16
Well, We sailed on the Tuesday, all good however the crossing was 'Choppy'... quite a swell in fact. This crossing entailed a 2 night stay on board and since it was a late sailing (23:00) we went straight to the cabin and all was OK until about 03:00 when the swell increased to about 2 or 3 meters and made the crossing uncomfortable to say the least. The sailing remained choppy and quite rough right through the Wednesday and the following night too. The MV Kerry is OK as ferries go, clean and comfortable but it is a no frills service and our sailing was virtually deserted, I believe this to be the reason Brittany ferries are cancelling sailings..... to consolidate traffic/numbers and they're not concerned about inconveniencing passengers. We will debate the merits of using them again, on one hand we hated the cancellations etc and on the other hand the convenience of arriving in Spain directly.

We were glad to dock at 07:00 Irish time and made our way about an hour towards Bilbao in heavy traffic and a grey cold morning. Stopping an hour later in a motorway aire south of Bilbao for breakfast and a break for the dog. Weather remained changeable, wet and quite cold and we arrived at an aire we know quite well at Teruel, it was dry here albeit cold and we took the dog and ourselves for a good long walk and settled into bed early. Next morning (Friday 29th) we did a shop at the supermarket right beside our stop, had breakfast & went for a brisk walk and pulled out heading south towards the Med coast about 11am. Traffic heavy around Valencia and we were on the AP7 toll to get around it quickly and decided to stay on the toll road until Benidorm, costing €13.20 total. We had not intended being in Benidorm until later in our trip but delays, parking, pet sitter and so on made the decision for us. We fly home from Alicante on the 19th December for Christmas and return on the 3rd January and our Daughter and friend comes out for a few days. We had intended to travel more south and leave the motorhome at a parking place near Alicante airport but we paid the 30+ day rate here on Raco and will leave the motorhome on the pitch when we are away. Our dog sitter is in Albir, only 10 minutes up the road so that suits us well.
The place is really busy, much busier than last year and we've met many people that we have grown to know over the past couple of seasons we've been here. We arrived at Raco, drove round to our pitch and stopped at a junction.... only to be greeted by a well known 'Craicer' !!.. small world, eh?
First day the weather was OK'ish, but by heck did it settle down to lash cats & dogs for the following 3-4 days. We put up our awning and sides and glad of it to shelter the weather. Picture below of our first night (on way to pub!!). Following days weren't so nice.


So, here we are, here for another 2 weeks.. Today, Thursday the weather took a change, hit 25 deg C today in beautiful sunshine, welcome indeed and forecast good for the foreseeable future. Scooter off and a few trips planned around the area and visit the local eateries and taverns !!. Heading out tomorrow evening to a good U2 tribute act and a meal beforehand.
Posted a few MotorhomeCraic Club membership packs today, (let us know folks when you get them) and the postage from Spain to ROI or NI is cheaper than posting them at home...... figure that out !!
So, all is good with the world, glad to be finally here and looking forward to another good trip.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Posted: 05.12.2019  ·  #17
Great update Jon....Enjoy the good weather, food and drink... :up:

ps....Got my membership renewel in post yesterday :-)

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Posted: 05.12.2019  ·  #18
Quote by panda

ps....Got my membership renewel in post yesterday :-)

What ????? My goodness, that’s as quick as posting from Donegal..... 🤬
Suppose Donegal is in the backend of all anyway 🤣🤣

Liked by: Ally, Chevy g20, ntg, panda

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Posted: 05.12.2019  ·  #19
Quote by JJF

Quote by panda

ps....Got my membership renewel in post yesterday :-)

What ????? My goodness, that’s as quick as posting from Donegal..... 🤬
Suppose Donegal is in the backend of all anyway 🤣🤣



Liked by: JJF


Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Posted: 05.12.2019  ·  #20
Hmph. I paid my membership back in October, and I’ve got nothing yet. 😚
Must be great to have a bit of pull 😂😂

Liked by: JJF, panda

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Posted: 05.12.2019  ·  #21
Quote by Daffysparks

Hmph. I paid my membership back in October, and I’ve got nothing yet. 😚
Must be great to have a bit of pull 😂😂

Most likely the Postal Ferry Service to your private Island is the culprit :D

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Posted: 05.12.2019  ·  #22
Loved the update but I know I will never get Wendy on a 2 night ferry to Spain, ever. Keep it coming, please.

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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Posted: 05.12.2019  ·  #23
Quote by Daffysparks

Hmph. I paid my membership back in October, and I’ve got nothing yet. 😚
Must be great to have a bit of pull 😂😂

Stop whinging, it was 11th September.

(Anyhow let's not ruin this topic with such trivial matters) 😂

Liked by: Flipperdipper


Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Posted: 05.12.2019  ·  #24
Quote by panda

Quote by Daffysparks

Hmph. I paid my membership back in October, and I’ve got nothing yet. 😚
Must be great to have a bit of pull 😂😂

Most likely the Postal Ferry Service to your private Island is the culprit :D

Fecks sake John, it comes in by helicopter every morning at 07:30 am so as not to interrupt my beauty sleep... not that I need it, now 🤪🤪

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Eat's Sleep's craic
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Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Posted: 05.12.2019  ·  #25
Quote by Mark&Wendy

Loved the update but I know I will never get Wendy on a 2 night ferry to Spain, ever. Keep it coming, please.

You can always fly her out to Santander or Bilboe and pick her up at the can sometimes get flights for the price of a berth.

Liked by: CHAUSSON, eirebus, JJF, panda

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Posted: 20.12.2019  ·  #26
Time from a bit of an update.... from home !
We arrived back in Dublin last night (Thursday 19th) after about an hour delay leaving Alicante. It was a wicket evening, lashing rain and damn cold. Our son had left his car at the airport for us yesterday and the 250 metre dash to collect it left us pretty wet. Out of the airport and on to the M1 northbound and the bloody traffic was on a go slow.... an hour from the airport to the toll booth. We stopped for something to eat and take a break at the services outside Carrickmacross and then onwards to Donegal arriving after 9pm. Boy am I missing the bit of heat today!!
Anyway, back on track, we’ve left the van parked up on the pitch in Camping Raco, yes a little more expensive than storage but the safari room is up and all is set for our return with our daughter early in the new year so we thought it was worth it as little work when we return.
We left after a couple of really nice weeks, been meeting up with the other MHC members for meals, night outs and general good fun. Really nice Chinese opened up close to our site, it’s called Bamboo and they do a really good deal, basically a 3 hour meal where all food & drinks are included, yes just keep ordering from the menu as much as you like.... both food & beverages .... it’s a very sociable way of spending an evening..... and at a very reasonable €13.50 each, it could be responsible for un-doing all my weight loss if I took an irresponsible attitude !... still maintaining my 80 kg by the way Martin @sprinter.
Walking every day out there isn’t a chore at all, 5km is easy and most days coming close to twice that.... so much so that Orla (our Jack Russell) had to get boots as we were concerned that her paw pads would wear by the abrasive surfaces...... boy did she look cute !..... walking up the promenade takes an hour as we’re continually stopped by folk (mostly Spanish) who even have photos taken with her !

About 10 days before we flew home we visited our dog sitter up in Albir and met a very nice woman that is a real dog lover. She’s not running a commercial enterprise, just someone who loves dogs and offered to keep her for us.... we had absolutely no hesitation in leaving Orla with her and when we left her up on Wednesday night she had cooked a chicken to share with her. She has since texted us and Orla has settled in well and enjoying herself.
So here we are, back in Donegal..... foundered, cold and missing the sun already. Looking forward to Christmas and looking forward even more as 2 weeks from today we will be back in Spain to resume our trip 😁.
Happy Christmas to each and every one and a peaceful prosperous 2020 and looking forward to meeting you all again at the meets during the year. Have a good one.

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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Posted: 20.12.2019  ·  #27
Put a duffle coat on and stop your whining, we've been bloody freezing while you were sunning yourself.

All jokes aside, wish we were going back out with you! Happy xmas to you and Jackie.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Posted: 20.12.2019  ·  #28
Would ye ‘haul yer whoosh’...... I’m away to look for a bowl of soup someplace !
Happy Christmas to you both too........ and
Get the bloody tickets booked, come out with us.. we fly back on the 3rd from Belfast with jet2...... we’ll put you up.

Liked by: Ally, eirebus, panda

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Posted: 20.12.2019  ·  #29
Quote by JJF

Would ye ‘haul yer whoosh’...... I’m away to look for a bowl of soup someplace !
Happy Christmas to you both too........ and
Get the bloody tickets booked, come out with us.. we fly back on the 3rd from Belfast with jet2...... we’ll put you up.

Your still 8kg lighter than me :( your obviously not eating enough :D
Be careful what you wish for with your Man. remember a few saying If you want to know me come and live with me. Living in one ear and renting out the other.and friends are like fish after a couple of days the start to go off :-/ :lol:

Have a Great Christmas One and All ( even all the Curmudgeons )

Liked by: big D, JJF, panda


Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Posted: 20.12.2019  ·  #30
Well, jon we have just arrived in Tenerife where it’s a balmy 20° at the moment. Sitting outside a beautiful restaurant, wondering where the feck Ntg and the craic meet is. 🤣🤣. Have a great, cold Christmas. I’m feeling in better form already👍👍

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Posted: 20.12.2019  ·  #31
Quote by Daffysparks

Well, jon we have just arrived in Tenerife where it’s a balmy 20° at the moment. Sitting outside a beautiful restaurant, wondering where the feck Ntg and the craic meet is. 🤣🤣. Have a great, cold Christmas. I’m feeling in better form already👍👍

You lucky f e cker don't drink to much and we will be there.
A few days yet and we will discuss how to put the world to right.😂

Liked by: Ally, big D, Chevy g20, JJF, panda, sprinter, +deleted user

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Posted: 21.12.2019  ·  #32
Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Posted: 21.01.2020  ·  #33
Well, seeing its last year since I did an update of this blog I thought I best add something to it once again. We had a lovely Christmas at home, spending time with family is nice and soon the new year worked around and we were planning our return to Spain. We duly flew back on 3rd January accompanied by our daughter and a friend and found our motorhome as we left it, got in and put on fridge, filled with water and in no time we had the kettle on for tea.
We rang our dog sitter and a couple of hours later went up to Albir to collect Orla our Jack Russell. She was glad to see us, and we were also glad to have her back. No issues, she settled in well albeit our dogsitter informed us that Orla had, and I quote... 'A dislike of cats'.. well, if truth be told I could have told her that beforehand!, possibly due to her seeing off our next doors cat on a regular basis with some gusto.
Our Daughter stayed for 3 days and we saw the 3 kings parade on the 5th in Oldtown and we then went on to the tapas bars afterwards. A very big parade as always with very big crowds indeed out to view it.

Our Daughter & her friend flew back home on the 6th and We had planned leaving to head south towards Andalusia but I had an unplanned date with a hospital here and that put pay to that. Nothing bad, just something to 'keep me put' for a couple of weeks. If anyone wonders what healthcare is like in Spain then I can confirm its 1st class, make sure you have your EHIC card and your passport and you'll get good care through the Spanish health system.
We paid the site until end of January and we will see what happens after that, our plans are still to travel south as we were going to do in the first place and delay our return home until later on. With our unplanned stop we have been getting out and about on the scooter and using public transport including a lovely trip up to the Jalon Valley to a wine tasting and tapas event, a great day out.

The weather of late has been very nice, some great sunsets but severe weather warnings have been on the radio of an impeding weather front and low pressure trough coming through.

And boy did it come through. It began to darken down around noon on Saturday 18th and rain began to fall late PM. And then it really started chucking it down accompanied by very strong gales that caused structural damage and localized flooding.
Quite a few of the permanent vans and awnings on this site are substantially damaged, some beyond repair. Local repair teams on many pitches yesterday & today trying to salvage/fix/remove what they can and the site staff working overtime to remove fallen branches, cones, leaves and foliage and tidying up the aftermath.


Today, it hasn't been bad, actually quite warm with light showers and we took a walk down to the promenade and were shocked to see the damage to the boardwalks and the beach itself. The swell is still quite strong today and the beach is washed away in places, but the boardwalks are in places completely gone and whats left is destroyed. It'll take some time to grt things back to normal. Many of the little cafes and restaurants remain shut, not because of damage but the sheer lack of footfall.


So, that is where we are right now, as I post this update the rain is falling once again on the roof of the van, however the forecast from tomorrow onwards promises a change and the weekend is promised really nice. A chance to get out on the scooter once more, planning a trip up to La-Nucia and Callosa and onward to Serra de Bèrnia i Ferrer before dinner somewhere on the coast. Wish us luck !

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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Posted: 21.01.2020  ·  #34
Good luck with the rest of your trip Jon....and you are dead on about the hospital treatment........ hope you are well...enjoy..👍👍

Liked by: Chevy g20, eirebus, JJF, panda

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Posted: 26.02.2020  ·  #35
Over a month since we last did an update of the blog, been busy and enjoying the weather, the food and wine as well as some super stopovers with great scenery. We pulled out of Benidorm towards the end of last month and travelled southwards with the intention of meeting up with a friend of ours who has a place near Torrevieja. We decided on a site called camping Marjal (Campercontact 20432). A massive 5 star site, multiple pools, sports grounds, restaurants, bars, shops, gym…. etc, etc….. €20/night on ACSI and we spent a couple of nights there, but it’s a soulless place, more like a massive car park with little to offer. Good facilities but it’s a place to go and spend all your time in their facilities at additional cost, plus it has no walking routes to offer us dog lovers.


We move on down south once again and decide on stopping on an aire with good reviews, to the west of Cartagena (Campercontact 73968) called Finca Alegria and it didn’t disappoint. Now the access road is narrow, but no problems if we take our time, it’s in the middle of the citrus groves and almond orchards, no shops nearby at all but local town easily reached by scooter or indeed by bicycle for supplies, the aire owners also sell organic veg, wine, beers and eggs. It’s one of the nicest places we’ve been to, peaceful, quiet and views over the coast and Cartagena. Lovely site, 20 or so pitches, EHU & water on each stand, swimming pool and full facilities. 3 full bathrooms with linen and all toiletries supplied, they haven’t got the grey/black disposal fully sorted yet but working at it and using a crocodile disposal for grey water and a makeshift manhole for cassettes…. they even have a couple of cars for hire for less than a tenner for half a day, we availed of it and went up to La-Manga for the day, nice place with great beaches. Had a good chat with the owner and now all MHCC members can stay for €10 a night inc electric on production of our membership card. I’ve to send him on the details and all will be in place by April. We spent a week there, great walks and a great area with fantastic welcoming owners.


We moved on again south of Mazzeron to an aire called Parking Tortugamona (Campercontact 74324), lovely location right on the coast with all facilities and at €7 a night is good value. We stay for 3 nights enjoying the local area, the scooter is fantastic for getting around.


There comes a time on every trip when the mind must turn towards thinking about a return trip home !.... we’re in no real rush and a gentle meander north is on the cards so this is as far as we are going south this trip and we turn and head north once again, but not too far. We travel up to south of Alicante city , in fact we were just east of Alicante airport, right on the coast to an aire called Parking Urbanova (campercontact 76732), free but no facilities. We were one of about 30 vans there, we met a group of English vans on a tour and they were heading for Morocco, all from Yorkshire. Nice area, good walks but a little bit noisy from the immediate road traffic and the planes taking off from the airport.


Only one night there and off once again, up past our old haunt of Benidorm to south of Valencia to a small campsite called Xeraco Campers (Campercontact 74145). Tight parking spots, pretty new site but not well set-up. Grey waste and cassette emptying outside the entrance, 3 sinks for washing up for 100+ pitches and no shops even close. The town is a tourist town that is deserted off season and we both found it resembling a 1960’s Moscow communist tenement town !..... not for us at all but we stayed a second night.


Up the Coast again to an aire in Benicarlo, (Campingcontact 58245), 7 places and all services except EHU and all free. Nice town, laundry close by, Lidl and other supermarkets close and a good supermarket right beside it. 50 metres to the beach with nice walks. Lovely place and the Benimar motorhome factory is just up the road, 100’s of motorhomes in their compound. We stay for one night.


Next day we take a short trip and we arrive at Camping Ferrer, (Campercontact 88478) a small campsite with extremely tight access and at 7.5m it was a tight squeeze to get in. an old site, ancient services and amenities but clean, good restaurant and the site is in a great location close to town with supermarkets/restaurants/pubs and the town of Peniscola is a gem. ACSI rate of €18 per night with 7 nights for the price of 6. The old town is superb, well worth a full day exploring; it’s the scene of many films inc game of thrones and El-Cid. The town has a nice harbour, superb walks and the path through the swamp area over a boardwalk and grit lanes is lovely, the dog is really enjoying it. We like it so much that we will be here a week soon !



So that is where we are at now, watching this Coronavirus scenario play out and are a little concerned that border controls could be implemented if it reaches a pandemic classification and we will cross the border into France over the weekend and slowly meander north with the intention of catching a ferry in mid March, just in time for the MHCC meet at the brewery.
Will try and do a report from the French leg of the trip before we sail home, going to miss this wonderful weather.


Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Posted: 26.02.2020  ·  #36
Sounds fantastic Jon. Great information there

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Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Posted: 27.02.2020  ·  #37
Glad you're enjoying the trip, it's snowing in Donegal today, do you not miss it 😁

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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Posted: 27.02.2020  ·  #38
Quote by eirebus

Glad you're enjoying the trip, it's snowing in Donegal today, do you not miss it 😁

Where is this ‘Donegal’ you speak of ? 😆 🍺 🍷

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Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Posted: 27.02.2020  ·  #39
Quote by JJF

Quote by eirebus

Glad you're enjoying the trip, it's snowing in Donegal today, do you not miss it 😁

Where is this ‘Donegal’ you speak of ? 😆 🍺 🍷

Watch out JJF or Jack will have you disowned and banned from re-entering God's own country.

Liked by: eirebus, JJF

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Spain 2019/20, trials & tribulations of 2 travellers & a mutt.

Posted: 01.03.2020  ·  #40
Great read Jon, thanks for the information. :up: :-)

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