Warning Lights and other Stuff

Alarms / extingushers /blankets /batterys.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Warning Lights and other Stuff

Posted: 26.09.2019  ·  #1
Just a reminder to check that your Extinguishers, Fire blankets, and alarms are all in date, working and

it might remind people to check that their Fire extinguishers are in date and in the green zone, also check that everyone is able to remove it for use ( that cable tie to stop it falling off or rattling ) a good idea to turn them upside down and give them a shake around if they are a dry powder type as the powder settles down, and that their fire blanket is actually in that packet and fitted within reach between the door and the cooker.

Don't ignore warning lights. have them investigated if possible. 

I got a reminder in France when parked up without the ignition on, for two days in Versailles, I was alerted by a burning smell and then a Guy nearby who sensibly pulled the EHU lead out in case that was the problem, there was smoke coming out of the engine compartment under the battery, after ripping out some cables and relays it stopped, Turned out the Glowplug relay shorted :devil: and must have been sticking for a few days without showing up any warning because the ignition was off all the time. after, it did occur to me that the previous week at home while getting the van ready for the holiday the light stayed on a couple of times but I could not get it to repeat, in order to investigate the source of the light fault. 
Luckily I didn't have to use any of the safety equipment although I had the extinguisher ready. and the only thing I needed out of the Van :o ( Susie ) She would be hard to replace after 62 years :D

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Warning Lights and other Stuff

Posted: 26.09.2019  ·  #2
Lucky you caught it in time Martin

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Warning Lights and other Stuff

Posted: 26.09.2019  ·  #3
So glad you are both home safe. Hope you had a great time regardless.

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