Over winter heater


Over winter heater

Posted: 31.10.2012  ·  #1
Came across these this evening and they are very low wattage 45w so approx 1kwh per day which would cost next to nothing to run £0.20 to £0.25 approx. compared to running a 500w watt normal heater which could use up to 12kwh per day approx £2.50.
The 45w heater being very low power may just be enough to keep the inside of the van up above freezing.

45w version


60w version


another seller with various size options..


Thoughts and input please, for anyone using a dehumidifer, unless its an expesive one with built in heater they do not work once the air temp hits below 5 deg celcius

my choice from the bunch is this one with built in stat and overheat protection http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/New-…3a7ab7e254


Re: Over winter heater

Posted: 31.10.2012  ·  #2
I have seen similar ideas mentioned before but don't see the need for it.

What do dealers do with their vans over winter?


Re: Over winter heater

Posted: 31.10.2012  ·  #3
I see your point Mark, though dealers have vans drained for the winter and they have no intention of keeping the vehicles for a long amount of time ie a few years so i doubt they care as much as us. Like a house that is not heated over winter, damp and mould can ingress over the winter causing some swelling etc. It would also be nice to keep the van aired and the chill out of it if a motorhome is in use over the winter peroid. Just pop a few things in and go and the van is already dry and aired.
I would asume that bedding, clothes, food etc would all need removed if the van was to be left to allow damp in and get very cold, a bit like leaving everything in an outside shed.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Over winter heater

Posted: 01.11.2012  ·  #4
there are so many vents and openings in vans dehumidifiers will not work.
the small trays with the crystals in seem to be the job to assist with damp etc.
a small heater set to frost protect is quite sufficient as a heat source.

every couple of weeks or so open the door and air the van, much more benifit gained.

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Re: Over winter heater

Posted: 01.11.2012  ·  #5
Quote by Bob

every couple of weeks or so open the door and air the van, much more benifit gained.

Or every couple of weeks head out in the Motorhome, it's only cold on the outside :happy:

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Re: Over winter heater

Posted: 01.11.2012  ·  #6
I used the tray with the crystals for the last two years and they seem to work well, there is always a lot of water in the tray anyway. would a heater in the van attract rats or mice etc.??? it would not be hard for them to get in or damage wires etc if the van is only in a shelter.


Re: Over winter heater

Posted: 01.11.2012  ·  #7

Re: Over winter heater

Posted: 01.11.2012  ·  #8
We have had caravans and motorhomes for over 18 years and the most we have used is one of the crystal moisture trap thingys.

Never has any damp problems yet. We use the motorhome all year and the longest period it sits is about 4 weeks at Christmas.

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Re: Over winter heater

Posted: 01.11.2012  ·  #9
Hi Robbie,

I use a 60 watt tubular heater, got it from B&Q or similar a few years ago.

Cheap to run as you mentioned, but 60 watt is not much heat, though it is slightly warmer than outside, I also use a cover which i reckon keeps the dampness down. I used to run a 500 watt fan heater on a timer for an hour in the morning and also in the evening, but apart from the expense I didn't like the idea of heat , cold, heat , cold as I reckoned it encouraged condensation.

As said by someone else we take the van out for the day every 2 weeks or so to keep the tyres round and exercise the engine etc. I firmly believe that the equipment in boats and motorhomes has fewer problems if used on a regular basis.



Re: Over winter heater

Posted: 01.11.2012  ·  #10
Agree with you Davy, regular use is much better than sitting static. Your point on heat cold heat cold is a very good one as it does create condensation that was one of the reasons we decided to run a very small wattage heater ie 50w just to keep the temp up a degree or two. After all these type heaters just emit as much heat as a tungsten filament bulb but it can be enough to help.
One good use for winter fridge vents is to duct / gaffer tape the remaining holes and install them, thats 2 big air flow vents closed up whilst not in use keeping out some mositure.
On a different note, Joy's car was well froze this morning when I went outside, even though the motorhome was just under a port there was no frost on it at all which surprised me. Think I'll sheet down the biggest open side a bit to help it a bit more.

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Re: Over winter heater

Posted: 05.11.2012  ·  #11
Use the van all winter!
During the week leave a wee plug heater on just to keep the van abit warm and those wee crystal filled trays are a great job at collecting water :up:


Re: Over winter heater

Posted: 05.11.2012  ·  #12
We picked the 55w slimline one of these

, 500mm long. Arrived today and for only a 55w element it does radiate more heat from the tube than I had thought, when on you cant keep your hands holding onto the tube.
The thermostat will help as well hopefully. It's in the camper now and blinds drawn and silver screen left on the front windows so will see how the van stays inside. We have a couple of dry bags as well.
The only other thing I want to look at is the fridge vents, we have winter covers which just have a few holes, so going to cover all the holes and install the vents, only a 2 min job to take them in and out

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