
Location: Cambs
Age: 65
Posts: 73
Registered: 10 / 2011


Posted: 26.10.2012  ·  #1
Well, in just under a week, it'll be Movember – the month that's aimed at raising awareness of, and donations for, prostate and testicular cancer charities.

From Movember 1st, I, along with many thousands of others throughout the land, will be attempting to grow a luxuriant rug of hair on my upper lip. Now after the odd, short-lived attempt in the past I'm painfully aware that in my case it'll look less like a “118 118” mo, and more like a “Is that something under your nose? Yeah, there, on your top lip” mo, but I'll give it my best shot.

Starting on 1st of the month with a clean-shaven face, I'll be posting sporadic piccies of the Brit Stops upper lip on our facebook page and of course on my Movember page.

Feel free to join in (Mo Sistas are always welcome to support their Mo Bros) and of course donate to the cause!

Find out more here (Ireland) and here (UK)

Steve :¬3

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