A whole lot to lose !

Eat's Sleep's craic
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A whole lot to lose !

Posted: 01.07.2019  ·  #1
Over the past couple of years I’ve been putting on a few pounds/kilos and have made the call to get rid of the whole lot of it !
I’m just over 6 foot, I’ve always been in and around 82kg (13st) and maybe up as far as 90kg (14st) and reasonably fit.
Health scares and other things in the past few years coupled to less than ideal dietary habits has seen me less active and unfortunately weight piles on and the fitness level diminishes although walking and everyday tasks are not a problem...... yet !
So decision made, the weight goes and the diet improves........
High protein and low carbs are going to be the norm, junk food goes and regular exercise is introduced.

So roll forward to 1st July (today) and the regime begins, on scales tonight and scales say 103.5kgs (16st-4lbs) target weight is 82kgs, just shy of 13 stone... so I’ve 21.5kgs/3st-5lbs to loose and I’m giving myself a timeframe of 20 weeks as a realistic target.
I’ve done 5km tonight which I found OK’ish, but took me 51 mins.

1. Diet improves, water intake min 3 litres daily, low carb, higher protein intake/2200 Calories target.
2. 5km walk daily upping to 10km as fitness improves, target time is 40mins/5k
3. Weigh in each Monday before the evening 5k walk
4. Alcohol intake diminishes, although I’m not a big drinker anyway.

I’m using a bit of technology here, wearing a fitness tracker and an app called “map my walk”, see HERE, to track my progress and I may post up a weekly update on this thread.

Anyone else on the treadmill to loose a bit of weight?..... let us know.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: A whole lot to loose !

Posted: 01.07.2019  ·  #2
Quote by JJF

Over the past couple of years I’ve been putting on a few pounds/kilos and have made the call to get rid of the whole lot of it !
I’m just over 6 foot, I’ve always been in and around 82kg (13st) and maybe up as far as 90kg (14st) and reasonably fit.
Health scares and other things in the past few years coupled to less than ideal dietary habits has seen me less active and unfortunately weight piles on and the fitness level diminishes although walking and everyday tasks are not a problem...... yet !
So decision made, the weight goes and the diet improves........
High protein and low carbs are going to be the norm, junk food goes and regular exercise is introduced.

So roll forward to 1st July (today) and the regime begins, on scales tonight and scales say 103.5kgs (16st-4lbs) target weight is 82kgs, just shy of 13 stone... so I’ve 21.5kgs/3st-5lbs to loose and I’m giving myself a timeframe of 20 weeks as a realistic target.
I’ve done 5km tonight which I found OK’ish, but took me 51 mins.

1. Diet improves, water intake min 3 litres daily, low carb, higher protein intake/2200 Calories target.
2. 5km walk daily upping to 10km as fitness improves, target time is 40mins/5k
3. Weigh in each Monday before the evening 5k walk
4. Alcohol intake diminishes, although I’m not a big drinker anyway.

I’m using a bit of technology here, wearing a fitness tracker and an app called “map my walk”, see HERE, to track my progress and I may post up a weekly update on this thread.

Anyone else on the treadmill to loose a bit of weight?..... let us know.

Go for it Jon :up:

I tried earlier in the year with some success but fell back into my old habits of eating and drinking too much......Hoping you will inspire us Jon....Best of luck with the new regime!

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Re: A whole lot to loose !

Posted: 01.07.2019  ·  #3
Good luck Jon, I'm on that path also, I'll race you?

I'm 16stone 9 at the minute, not sure what that is in real money. Ideally I need to be 14, but 15 would do me fine.

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Re: A whole lot to loose !

Posted: 01.07.2019  ·  #4
Well done Jon, first step taken! I have resolved the diet but not the exercise... Lost about a stone just by stopping snacking.. That part was easy because the boss does some great cooking! Haven't managed to get my act together
to exercise yet though!

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Re: A whole lot to loose !

Posted: 01.07.2019  ·  #5
Well done Jon. We started 4 years ago. I was 95kg. Joined the couch 2 5k. Goes from walking to running a 5 km in 10 weeks. Then joined a running club for the craic and encouragement. Dropped to 85kg but now about 87 and happy. Just have fun and the Weight will drop off. Good luck.

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A whole lot to loose

Posted: 01.07.2019  ·  #6
My vet told me after fitting a stent 6years ago that I needed to walk for an hour or two (10 km) every day for the rest of my life. So I did 1100 km. in 38 days and sent him a postcard and asked would this be enough, to catch up, for the time being..I still do between 5and10km day at least 5days a week.
So Jon, happy days you have done the right thing , the best of luck, you do know you have screwed yourself by telling us ,
But then I'm thinking that is exactly the point. :up:
I now stand on the scales at 86kg in plaster. when I finished my first Camino I came home at 79kg. Not realistic.

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Re: A whole lot to loose !

Posted: 01.07.2019  ·  #7
Cutting out the sugar and refined carbs is the big thing, especially the snacks between meals. The only way your body can deal with the excess energy is to store it as fat.
Stay away from artificial sweeteners because they stop your palate from adjusting to unsweetened food. Once that happens, a typical Cadbury chocolate bar will make your eyes water with the amount of sugar in it

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Re: A whole lot to loose !

Posted: 01.07.2019  ·  #8
I am slowly creeping towards the 100kg mark as well.
Time for me to get my arse into gear as well.
Over the last few months, I have adjusted my diet and stop the weight gain but the hidden calories in the golden nectar is different story.
Jon, I wish you well on your journey and after our upcoming trip to Europe, I will join you on tightening the belt a few notches.
That now 3 or 4 possible participants.
Maybe a monthly report from those who join in and the rest of craicer get to judge our honesty at the October meet.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: A whole lot to loose !

Posted: 01.07.2019  ·  #9
I lost 8 lbs lately by cutting out nighttime snacking. Trouble is I’m in Florida at the minute and there are too many different foods I want to try. Ah well I’ll get back onto it when I get home

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Re: A whole lot to loose !

Posted: 02.07.2019  ·  #10
Any chance of me losing weight by just reading these posts 😁

the fat controller
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Re: A whole lot to loose !

Posted: 02.07.2019  ·  #11
Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: A whole lot to loose !

Posted: 02.07.2019  ·  #12
Quote by Thorn123

Maybe a monthly report from those who join in and the rest of craicer get to judge our honesty at the October meet.

Yes, regular updates focuses the mind, by October I want to have at least 50% of the weight shed.

Quote by the fat controller

Light weights the lot of ya 🤪

Not yet John, but you’ve got the general gist of it 😝

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Re: A whole lot to lose !

Posted: 02.07.2019  ·  #13
Best of luck Jon.
im only 79.5 kgs, but about 45kgs of that is belly. thats what i want to shift.

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Re: A whole lot to lose !

Posted: 02.07.2019  ·  #14
I'm worried my Moobs might start to sag. :-/

the fat controller
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Re: A whole lot to lose !

Posted: 02.07.2019  ·  #15
I am quite above my ideal weight and have been cutting down on the carbs, sugar etc I can say however that my doctor thinks I am cheating the system as my blood sugar levels and cholesterol are normal and have normal range blood pressure considering how heavy I actually am.

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Re: A whole lot to lose !

Posted: 02.07.2019  ·  #16
That’s the thing spurring me on to shed the extra pounds.
I’ve suffered from extreme BP but now well controlled by drugs, cholesterol is just slightly high but I’m also on statins and other medications as a result of a stroke........ so, the extra body mass is doing me no favors.
Let’s see how we do, I am pretty stubborn when I take a notion of doing something ..... in any case I’ve now told you lot so I’d better get on with it 😝

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Re: A whole lot to lose !

Posted: 02.07.2019  ·  #17
I've no problem with weight thank God. I do however have other issues, according to my BMI I should be about 7'6" tall. :o Must keep up those stretching exercises. :P

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Re: A whole lot to lose !

Posted: 02.07.2019  ·  #18
In the words of Brendan Grace " I don't care what weight I am when I die, I won't be carrying the coffin"

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Re: A whole lot to lose !

Posted: 08.07.2019  ·  #19
Week 1.

Weight at start 103.5 kgs
Target weight 82 kgs

Weight now 101.6 kgs

Weight loss this week 1.9 kgs
Total weight loss is 1.9 kgs

Total weight to loose to target 19.6 kgs

Been a good week, loss is where I expected it to be. Walked 38.6 kms over the week and found it OK, albeit had some joint pain and found stretching exercises helps before beginning. Was better in the second half of the week.
Diet is good, liking vegetables and fruit helps. Getting carbs from brown rice, whole grain pasta and some potato and have cut out all breads and cakes etc.
Took the decision to make July a meat free month with the exception of still eating fish. Alcohol consumption wavered on a Friday night, couple glasses of white wine with a fish dish, but that’s OK.
So, week 1 in and looking forward to continuing with a similar pattern.

mad max
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Re: A whole lot to lose !

Posted: 08.07.2019  ·  #20
Well done John,
Keep it up, 👍🏻👍🏻

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: A whole lot to lose !

Posted: 08.07.2019  ·  #21
Good going Jon....Keep er nice and steady! :up:

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Re: A whole lot to lose !

Posted: 08.07.2019  ·  #22
OK firstly Maureen had a mini stroke last October and was told she had to loose weight due to this and being on the edge of Diabetes. Diet was and is simple
NO bread, NO pasta NO rice NO potato. Well it works over 3 stone for her down from size 16-18 to a 12 and me over two stone mostly from belly, exercise bit of a problem as now registered disabled but getting there.


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Re: A whole lot to lose !

Posted: 15.07.2019  ·  #23
Week 2.

Weight at start 103.5 kgs
Target weight 82 kgs

Weight now 99.2 kgs

Weight loss this week 2.4 kgs
Total weight loss is 4.3 kgs

Total weight to loose to target 17.2 kgs

Another good week, loss is little bit more than expected.... walked more this week, 44.6 kms total.
Not really missing meat if I’m honest, and had 2 pints on Saturday night.

Going well, feeling better.

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Re: A whole lot to lose !

Posted: 17.07.2019  ·  #24
Well done. 👍

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: A whole lot to lose !

Posted: 17.07.2019  ·  #25
I’ve got a bit of a gut and am 13 st ,but I was eating far to much rubbish sweets crisps ding ding dinners still drinking to much carlsburg at the age of 62 I think I’m still fit but last year I was told I had type 2 diabetes a big shock so now I don’t eat sweets chocolate still have the odd bag of crisps , in the evenings if I feel peckish I eat salmon on crackers and no more ding ding dinners but I’m on 4 tablets a day to control my diabetes 🤞all going well

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: A whole lot to lose !

Posted: 17.07.2019  ·  #26
Just back from holidays where I absolutely stuffed myself. I only gained a few ounces and can only attribute this to the amount of walking I did around the Disney parks with the family. I am normally very seditary so all the walking must have done something. Now where are those walking boots?

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A whole lot to lose !

Posted: 19.07.2019  ·  #27
Quote by TommyS

Just back from holidays where I absolutely stuffed myself. I only gained a few ounces and can only attribute this to the amount of walking I did around the Disney parks with the family. I am normally very seditary so all the walking must have done something. Now where are those walking boots?

If you put a Pedometer or one of the walking apps on your phone. And check it day to day you would be surprised how far you walk every day.
Extreme example.
Susie dropped me off, at 7am one morning , 9.2km ( measured by the car) from the house I got back at 9.15 and checked I did 10.1km great. I spent the day roofing up and down ladders and never went outside the gate at 8pm while having dinner I checked it read 24.8km.since then I've checked while working around the house and would regularly do 10km or more.

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Re: A whole lot to lose !

Posted: 22.07.2019  ·  #28
Week 3.

Weight at start 103.5 kgs
Target weight 82 kgs

Weight now 97.0 kgs

Weight loss this week 2.2 kgs
Total weight loss is 6.5 kgs

Total weight to loose to target 15 kgs

Good week, loss about right... aiming for 2 kgs/week for first month and then about 1.5 kgs/week to target.
Going well.

mad max
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Re: A whole lot to lose !

Posted: 22.07.2019  ·  #29
Good work John,

You are fading away 😁

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: A whole lot to lose !

Posted: 22.07.2019  ·  #30
Well done Jon 👍

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Re: A whole lot to lose !

Posted: 22.07.2019  ·  #31
Good going Jon keep up the good work....

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Re: A whole lot to lose !

Posted: 12.08.2019  ·  #32
No reports for a few weeks,
All going good, passed half my weight loss goal.

Week 6.

Weight at start 103.5 kgs
Target weight 82 kgs

Weight now 91.5 kgs

Weight loss this past 3 weeks 5.5 kgs
Total weight loss is 12 kgs

So, another 9.5 kgs sees me at the target weight, if time permits my walk is now 10km (5k early morning & 5k in the evening).
Still very little meat, in fact only once in 6 weeks. No bread/biscuits cakes. Loving fish.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: A whole lot to lose !

Posted: 12.08.2019  ·  #33
Fantastic going Jon :up:

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Re: A whole lot to lose !

Posted: 12.08.2019  ·  #34
Keep 'er lit!

mad max
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Re: A whole lot to lose !

Posted: 12.08.2019  ·  #35
Good going John,
You should be feeling the difference in energy levels,
And a few notches movement on the trouser belt ,👌🏻

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Re: A whole lot to lose !

Posted: 02.09.2019  ·  #36
Still going good, all on target.

Week 9.

Weight at start 103.5 kgs
Target weight 82 kgs

Weight now 88.2kgs

Weight loss this past 3 weeks 3.3kgs
Total weight loss is 15.3 kgs

Another 6.2 kgs loss gets me to the target weight..... so Im all happy with the progressive loss and aiming to hit the target for the Carlingford meet !

Have walked every day of the last 63 days with the exception of 3 evenings, total distance walked is 344.6 kms according to ‘map my walk’.... that’s the equivalent from home to Rosslare harbour !

mad max
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Re: A whole lot to lose !

Posted: 02.09.2019  ·  #37
Credit to you John,

Hope you plan to have a few to celebrate in Carlingford 👍🏻👍🏻

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: A whole lot to lose !

Posted: 02.09.2019  ·  #38
Well done Jon :up:

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Re: A whole lot to lose !

Posted: 02.09.2019  ·  #39
Quote by mad max

Credit to you John,

Hope you plan to have a few to celebrate in Carlingford 👍🏻👍🏻

I’ll have a couple John, drinking the odd glass of wine once again.......
But I had a visitation from a certain ‘admin’ last week who led me astray and dragged me kicking into the pub ! .... and made me drink beer, I vehemently resisted but to no avail !

Quote by panda

Well done Jon :up:

Thanks John

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Re: A whole lot to lose !

Posted: 02.09.2019  ·  #40
I just love old style buildings and thatch roofs, I couldn't resist.

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