iPhone iOS 6.0 & Tom Tom POI's


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iPhone iOS 6.0 & Tom Tom POI's

Posted: 09.10.2012  ·  #1
Apple have sandboxed permissions to overwrite the folder containing POI's that TomTom has to use in it's app. If you try to update any file with DiskAid it will come up with a locked file error message.

Consequently if you have to restore you will lose all your POI's once they are deleted from this folder, so back them up to your computer if you haven't already.

It's a little late for me, but if you haven't upgraded to 6.0 DON'T!

The only solution now is purchase of a further App called POI viewer to use your personal POIs in Tom Tom. It's a workaround but not a very satisfactory one.

Nice one Apple - a 'shot yourself in the foot' as I am considering abandoning your products entirely.

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Re: iPhone iOS 6.0 & Tom Tom POI's

Posted: 09.10.2012  ·  #2
Another reason why I am sticking with Android.

Also............... :D

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Re: iPhone iOS 6.0 & Tom Tom POI's

Posted: 09.10.2012  ·  #3
I found out too late as well, I upgraded (down would be a more appropriate word) my Ipad and lost all the maps, I haven't even been able to look at the poi's in google earth since. SWMBO was going to upgrade hers but a very loud NO from me prevented both pads being nearly useless (well on the map side of things)

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