Quote by Viktor
Thanks Blag. I saw that list. Trouble is it is mostly an address with no way of tying down the precise location for a POI, but I guess I'm running on unleaded if I cross over. Cheers.
Yeah, it'd be handy of the addresses were more detailed OR had coordinates for satnav's, I'll give you that!
If you need the EXACT POI for your satnav you could probably do some detective work using "Google maps" & "Street view". I've used this in the past when an address was a bit vague and I was looking for the
exact location.
(You may know this already, but I'll carry on...)
Heres what I do, For example, I'll pick a station up in Co Mayo -
The website says -
"Reapes Auto Service
094 9256119"
Not exactly helpful...
After a couple of minutes using Google maps
Streetview virtually roaming the streets of Foxford... I can have a look at the station. (must've been taken a while back with those prices...lol)
And if you right click on the overhead view of the map in google maps, and select "Whats here?", it'll give some lat/long coordinates that you can put into your satnav...
To save yourself upset, it might be worthwhile to ring the service stations you're planning on making a POI just in case they've shut down! A lot of the stations that carry LPG appear to be independant stations who I'm sure are having it tough in the current climate.. I know of one station near me that shut down earlier this year but is still on the list... I've notified the ilpga of this but the name and address is still there on the list. - Joe Morrison Motors, Castlehyde Road, Fermoy, Co.Cork, 025 32669 if you're wondering...