Elddis announce ‘revolutionary’ new construction method

Location: Muckamore, Antrim
Age: 55
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My Motorhome: Lunar Roadstar 780
Base Vehicle: Fiat 2.8 JTD

Elddis announce ‘revolutionary’ new construction method

Posted: 19.09.2012  ·  #1
A new motorhome construction method is being described as revolutionary by County Durham-based manufacturer, Elddis.

Branded as ‘SoLiD’ (strong, light, dry), the new construction technique uses chemical bonding to replace over 90% of the exterior screws and bolts normally used in building a motorhome.

A joint venture with leading adhesive manufacturer, Henkel, the new method is the culmination of a three year research and design process by Elddis. The result, according to Elddis, is vehicles that are 100% impervious to water, and as such carry a 10 year water ingress warranty.

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Re: Elddis announce ‘revolutionary’ new construction method

Posted: 20.09.2012  ·  #2
there is no reason that a motor home shell cannot be constructed in one piece with no joints and therefore no possibilty of leaks - boats have been made like that for years.

Strange that it should be Elddis that are doing this as many of their MHs look like they were designed to leak!

I recently attempted to trade in my Elddis aluminium shelled MH only to be told that it was "full of damp" and the resulting offer being derisory.

Yes the sooner manufacturers properly address the damp issue the better, they have got away with building high value items in the cheapest way possible for far too long

Location: Muckamore, Antrim
Age: 55
Homepage: motorhomecraic.com
Posts: 32648
Registered: 08 / 2011
My Motorhome: Lunar Roadstar 780
Base Vehicle: Fiat 2.8 JTD

Re: Elddis announce ‘revolutionary’ new construction method

Posted: 20.09.2012  ·  #3

Maybe it is on the turn, with Bailey and now Elddis doing something about it, hopefully all manufacturers will have to follow suit.

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