Scary stuff

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Scary stuff

Posted: 12.10.2018  ·  #1
I copied this article from a web site, ( WeMove.EU ) and find it a bit scary and sinister. The idea that a multinational company can claim ownership of something natural is very serious indeed. What do you think ?

Just last week, we chose the right place to protest against patents on barley and beer: right outside of the building of the European Patent Office, which happened to be on the way to the Oktoberfest, the European get-together of beer lovers.

We showed up with banners in four languages, a big balloon, flags and flyers to demonstrate on the day the patent office would rule on Carlsberg’s and Heineken’s desires to own a regular type of barley - from seed through the brewing process, to the beer itself.


Credit: Falk Heller, argum - activists distribute flyers and flags to beer lovers

Our action showed the strength of our movement: We have collected more than 182,000 signatures from all over Europe to present to the patent office. Together with our partner, no-patents-on-seeds, we gathered activists to demonstrate against multinationals laying claim to what doesn’t belong to them. Our protest was only possible because thousands of us signed the petition, shared it with friends and donated funds in the moment our community needed them.

Credit: Falk Heller, argum - activists distribute flyers and flags to beer lovers

It’s a moment of empowerment when ordinary people on their way to a funfair stop to listen to your arguments, and then join you in protest. People who go to Oktoberfest obviously care a lot about beer, and they took the time to learn about this ridiculous patent threat to many of their favourite brews.


Credit: Falk Heller, argum - Jörg Rohwedder, campaigner from WeMove

Well, did we win? In a small way, we did: The patent originally covered all plants with reduced undesirable flavours. Now the patent is restricted to plants with a specific mutation that can influence the content of these flavours. The European Patent Office significantly decreased the number of types of barley included in the patent.

But unfortunately, the general take-away remains the same: Big corporations can claim ordinary plants as their inventions. They can maximise profits by claiming to own something belonging to nature and to all of us.

But we’re not finished yet. There’s another hearing at the European Patent Office coming, and we’ll be watching the results closely.

Encouraged after a good action, and still hopeful that together all of us can win this struggle,

Mika (Bordeaux), Jörg (Lübeck), Virginia (Madrid), and the whole team at WeMove.EU

PS: If you know anyone who loves beer, please share the petition with them.

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Re: Scary stuff

Posted: 12.10.2018  ·  #2
Unless it was genetically modified Barley with their own modifications then it's wrong. If it is GM, I'd like to know as I might drink some carlsberg in the future.

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Re: Scary stuff

Posted: 12.10.2018  ·  #3
we should all boycott Carlberg o.O

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Scary stuff

Posted: 12.10.2018  ·  #4
Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Scary stuff

Posted: 12.10.2018  ·  #5
Sacralise 🍻🍻 boycott the cheapest beer on the planet 🤐

The Rambler
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Re: Scary stuff

Posted: 12.10.2018  ·  #6
This is what Monsanto, creators of Agent Orange and Roundup, get away with in the US. They patent seeds and put small farmers who do not want to conform out of business. Shocking if this comes to Europe.

See ‘Food inc’ documentary available on YouTube and prepare to be scared 😱

Love's the Craic
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Re: Scary stuff

Posted: 12.10.2018  ·  #7
Quote by The Rambler

This is what Monsanto, creators of Agent Orange and Roundup, get away with in the US. They patent seeds and put small farmers who do not want to conform out of business. Shocking if this comes to Europe.

See ‘Food inc’ documentary available on YouTube and prepare to be scared 😱

A good documentary. Also read The Great Seed Scandal.

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